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Geto was returning from a misson his throat burned from the high-level curse he absorbed, and he just wanted to get a lemonade to wash it down. So that he did making a quick detore from his original plan, he walked into a cafe. "Hello sir, what may i get for you?" A man said his hair a light blue color geto wasn't sure why, but he took a note of."Just a pink lemonade, please." Geto said the man nodded, telling geto a price and directing him down the counter to a place he could stand and wait. Geto waited."Here you go sir". The man smiled, handing geto his drink."Thank you." Geto gave a smile back and left the cafe restarting his journey. While drinking his drink and walking, he couldn't help but think the drink tasted weird, slightly salty, but he figured it was just after math of the curse he ate. Geto continued walking till something felt off. He would walk further but nothing seemed to get closer. Hed walked backwards, and things would move forward, but when he moved left, things would move forward to. His head began to throb his stomach , and his eyes were going blurry. Everything he saw going in black and white, then colors. Geto knew something was wrong he honestly thought he was dying, yet he found the strength in him to pull his phone out and hit the emergency call, not remembering whose number was under it. Geto collasped to all fours, his drink spiling all over and his phone falling a few inches in front of him. He coughed up blood, and his heart began to beat extremely fast."Hello?" A voice called, but he couldn't recognize it. All the sounds around him seemed deranged.

"Hello?". Yuji said, confused, holding his phone to his ear."ma-dad.." yuji muttered agian growing increasingly concerned then the sound of coughing filled his ear. "MA-DAD!" Yuji called louder, catching everyone attention in the classroom, including gojo, who stopped his ranting."DAD..COME ON..ANSWER ME". yuji kept calling and ignored the stares around him."yuji, what's wrong?" Megumi asked, grabbing yujis arm."DAD, PLEASE!" Yuji called agian the cought stopped and he could hear faint breathing. There were then footsteps giggling and a voice."Sorry, you won't be seeing him agian for awhile, or ever." A vocie said yujis eyes widden."NO, LEAVE HIM ALONE!"Yuji screamed into his phone, standing up. "YUJI TALK TO US!" Megumi yelled. yuji began to sob as the phone hung up."they took him.. someone took him...i...dont know...". Yuji began to panic, shaking his head as he broke down, falling to his knees."What?" Gojo said, confused."Dad...dads gone... something happened......". Yuji said, muttering. Megumi wrapped his arms around the panicking and hyperventilating boy."Hey, hey, it's okay. He'll be back in no time, satoru will find him." Megumi said, holding yuji tightly. Gojo walked over, crouching down. "i promise I'll find him soon and alive and well." Gojo said, placing his hand on yujis head."pr..promise". Yuji hiccuped."promise".gojo said, standing and leaving the classroom. "Let's go to my room yuji". Megumi said yuji nodded as megumi helped him stand the others, giving them space.

"Im gonna kill these motherfuckers". Gojo though as he ran down the hall and out the school. He pulled his blindfold off and focused on getos cursed energy teleporting to where he thought geto was. Looking around all he saw was a spilled drink and a crushed phone. Running to the phone he lifted it up examineing it and it was indeed getos phone holding a substantial amout of his cursed energy. The people who took him must've notcied tho and left the phone. Gojo frantically looked around agian but he didnt see or feel anything. Gojo eyes widden when he realized he couldn't feel an ounce of getos cursed energy. "Shit shit shit shit shit not again" . Gojo frantically cried the events from 10 years ago played in his head as back then the same happend and he couldnt sense getos cursed energy when he left that day.

Megumi was rubbing yujis back as yuji had fallen asleep from his crying. Yuji was  propped against his chest megumi sighed."who the hell would take the risk of capturing one of the strongest sourcers alive." Megumi mutterd laying his head ontop of yujis. Suddenly the door opened and in walked gojo who looked atresssed and tired."no luck?" Megumi asked calm but insede he was freaking out."nothing...i looked around the entier town and area he was last seen nothing....not and ounce of cursed energy." Gojo said walking over and sitting on the bed covering his face."there no way he just vanished." Megumi said gojo groaned."there has to be something i missed" gojo said megumi leand iver placing his hand pn his shoulder."we'll find him sooner or later, but don't stress please, if you do then it'll take longer to find him." Megumi said gojo sighed. "Your right". He mutterd. "Ima gonna go.." gojo said standing agian."go where?". Megumi asked."just out.." gojo mutterd leaving.

For days to months they searched for geto, there was no trace of him..not





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