the trauma begins

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I seriously hate how life is going on right now. People really love putting me under pressure. School once used to be a place where I was happy to go, now it has become such hell that I'm starting to think I'd be happier in death than this life. Some teachers at school really don't know how to teach and expect us to learn. Smart people study on their own but people like me have to suffer. I just want ti slit my wrist at this point but that would shatter my parents to the very core.

The only people I ever loved also make me irritated now. The question here is who is the problem me or them? Sometimes the thought of burning the school with only the teachers inside enters my mind but the consequence will be that I would have to see the bars or hell after that. Life is miserable.

These days I sleep more than usual just to escape the reality. Or rather just never wake up. Or to escape into the arms of my lord krishn.

I cross the road carelessly cause there is no reason to be alive anymore. Just living for my parents. Everytime I look at the picture of my grandparents who are now in heaven, I wish it was me not them. I guess I'm not even beautiful as I read somewhere that God calls all the beautiful souls to himself first and leaves the bad ones to suffer some more in this mortal world. I just want to see my school crippling and in ashes once I leave.

If you are reading this I'm  really grateful for you giving this your time. In case you are going through a similar situation just know you are not alone and although you don't know me you can always talk to me if that helps.

P.s., not to brag but I'm great at comforting people. 😉😌

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