Chapter 18- Following the breadcrumbs (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)

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Paperjam finds the source of the weird numbers and is thrilled! The Shattered Stars are exhausted by the insane babybones
Shattered S̸R̴s̷ Multiverse
Doodle Sphere

Star was equally fascinated and frustrated at this new place.

Everything was so new, loving how even reading the numbers from a plate were vastly different to the usual but that is also where his frustration stemmed from.

Everything and he meant everything was clearly corrupted.

He didnt have a problem with this, as it wasn't inherently harmful from what he could tell but the main issue was it made everything so much harder to read. He still hadn't learned all the nuisances of what numbers could mean yet, it having taken days of instruction from Destroyer to even remember how to read a CHECK.

He still wasn't that great at it and found some of the names he could read severely lacking, the best example of this being Corrupted abomination. He still had no clue what 'yandere' meant, confused why no one would tell him, finding their assigned name of 'yandere Blue' such a boring one.

He still thought that Corrupted abomination also suited them so much better, as they clearly were meant to be a normal abomination. This whole multiverse was just weird and Protector was of little help, barely answering any of his questions and just staring at him blankly.

He definitely thought he had the best name ever, Creator being one of his favourites by far for suggesting it.

This place was weird and he had only looked around the Doodle Sphere so far. Goopy Positivity had promised he could go out soon but he honestly didnt care, as he was still searching for the flashy numbers.

He had searched the house so far and was waiting for the perfect chance to search outside the area, still puzzled why they kept the door locked. It's not like it was much of an obstacle as he simply waited for them to be busy before going to the front door and creating a 'skeleton' key.

He still found the name funny, trying to stifle his giggles while he quietly opened the door, pleased how easy it was.


What Star failed to notice was the many layers of security that had been placed on the door, his magic unconsciously breaking it down due to the babybones desire to leave.

It had been locked for a reason, the Shattered Stars rightfully wanting to keep the destructive babybones away from anything delicate or dangerous. It was too bad for them that Star wasnt an ordinary babybones, it taking far more then that to keep him contained. 


Star sang to himself as he explored, curiously poking the AU's hanging from the ceiling, giggling at the ticklish feeling he got touching them.

He felt a weird desire to rip them apart but also to try and add even more !

It was a funny feeling, never having felt this way before.

It could be because he was in a Doodle Sphere, never having managed to enter the one in his Birth multiverse, mainly as he didn't try that hard. It's not like he wanted to be face to face with his 'parents' or anyone else for that matter.

He still had no clue how he had ended up in another multiverse in the first place, the weird gold magic never having appeared on any other portals he had created so far.

He still wanted to be able to travel as he wished and thought it was very nice that Destroyer and Creator allowed him to tag along for so long but didn't think that could last forever.

Therefore, he had been practising making portals the 'official' way, thinking that might help him achieve his goal but it was so very hard.

He was suddenly distracted when the numbers shrieked in his vision, grinning widely when he found the source. It seemed to be under a stack of papers, books and other miscellaneous items that he would be looking at later but first he had to somehow get it.

....This felt like it would be hard, sitting on the ground and trying to think deeply on what he should do next.


He stared blankly back at the pile, lighting up at the cool noise, this turning out even more interesting than he could ever imagine. He had the brief idea to just reach out and grab it but paused before he could do so, recalling Creators lessons about how he should make friends.

He still thought his way was perfectly reasonable, tempted to be friends with Goopy Positivity later but he supposed he could try another way. he just has the issue on how to do it, pouting when he was back at step one again.

He could try a gift..?

He stared at his hands thoughtfully and carefully tried to make the prettiest plate he could.

He was smug when he finished, feeling it was truly perfect and who wouldn't want a plate you could snack on! His Creation abilities truly had come far, tapping the pure black plate and pleased when it stayed solid.

"Here! You can have it"

He gently pushed it under the pile, clapping happily when he heard crunching noises. He had no idea what Fluffy Destroyer had been talking about, of course eating plates was a perfectly good food option. Some people had no taste...

"Want more?"


Maybe Creators way to make friends was also good as his own, still thinking they had overreacted. Big him had been fine after a few hours of him dragging them along to have fun, idly wondering what they could be up to right now.

He bet they were having just as fun as he was, giggling as he made more items for his new friend to try. They had such a varied palette and he was glad his skills were finally coming into use.

Who knew Creation magic would solve so many issues! 


Shattered: *Very pleased at the protection they added to the house* That should be good enough to keep them inside

Ink: *Nodding in agreement*

Blue: *Very suspicious of the sudden silence*..where is Star?

Shattered: *Tentacles stilling in sudden dread after spotting the open front door* How?!

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