Chapter 9- Oh! What does this do? (SwapDream)

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Dream (SwapDream) is having fun but his latest guest is far more 'unique', then he could have known.


SwapDream Multiverse

Paperjam might have been rather fascinated by his new find but that didn't mean he was completely oblivious, when they tried to take him inside their home. He hissed unhappily, squirming in their grip, pleased when they finally let go of him accidently dropped him .

Walking off to go explore by himself again, he frowned when he was once again lifted up, staring at the Fluffy Destroyer unhappily.

He was about to summon his magic to help him escape, when he giggled as a feather tickled his face, staring in fascination as the condensed magic was now very close to him. He fearlessly grabbed it, keeping the golden wing close, studying the numbers happily.

He always found it easier when he examined things up close, the numbers seeming much clearer to him. Destroyer had said he should be able to read the numbers at any distance he pleased, as long as he practised, but he was still a tad sceptical of the claim.

He suddenly looked up when Fluffy Destroyer abruptly stopped, just remembering what had been happening earlier.

He stared unhappily at the room he was in, spotting only one window but it was far too small for his liking, not happy with this new restricted environment.

Turning his gaze to the door they came through, his head tilted in confusion at how the numbers were practically lit up around the perimeter of the room, causing him to examine it in curiosity. He used his own magic to poke it, eyeshape switching to a star at how potent the magic was, the funny buzzing sound in his chest starting up again.

"What's all this for, Fluffy Destroyer?" He distractedly asked, continuing to analyse the barrier that he sensed around the room.

"It's used for protection and it's a very common practice.~"

Dream smoothly lied, not feeling the need to mention it usually kept his current fascination inside the room and unable to escape him. It was always a pain having to catch his latest guest and it had lost its entertainment value, after the tenth time it occured.

His lips twitched at the amusing nickname he was given though, eyelights brightening at the unusual reactions the little one was giving. They had been strangely relaxed when they felt the barriers, smirking in amusement as they even fed on the ambient magic in the room.

What a peculiar child.~

Paperjam never realised just how interesting a monsters home could be, feeling he suddenly had an entire new avenue to explore in the future. He had missed out on so much but now he could dive straight into this fascinating new subject.

He twitched when he suddenly heard water running, turning in Fluffy Destroyers arms to look at the source in confusion.

"You need a bath, little one. You are absolutely filthy~"

Paperjam was puzzled what they meant by 'little one', only assuming they were referring to him, considering there was no one else here.

..was this another name or rule he hadn't learnt yet? Everything could be so confusing..

He hummed as he was let down, staring at the water pouring into a tub with interest. Would it feel different to his pond? Cautiously putting his hand in it, he giggled at how the water turned brown and it was warm. Much nicer than his pond by far!

He was startled when Fluffy Destroyer added some powder to the water, confused what the new item was supposed to do but soon saw large bubbles form.

He was going to touch them all!

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