Chapter 8- A new type of tree! (SwapDream)

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Paperjam ends up in a new multiverse and decides its much more exciting then the last place he was at.


New Multiverse

Paperjam had thought deeply about what the spikey abomination had said a few days ago and decided they were right. He might not remember the whole conversation but the part of 'not belonging' was true.

This wasn't his multiverse and the numbers didnt lie either, no matter what Creator and Destroyer insisted, saying that this could be his home. He didn't really belong here and he should move on, having stayed here much longer than he had wanted to.

The bad breaks in his bones were long healed and his magic was at full capacity, so there really was nothing keeping him here.

Creator still hadn't shown him an easier way to travel, so his own way would have to do. He pulled up his sleeve, so he could get the most ink but paused in his task, frowning as he realised a rather large problem.

Squeezing his hands together he worriedly looked at the numbers, knowing he still didn't have enough magic to travel to a new multiverse.

...He supposed he could still give it a go, see if that strange golden sheen would appear on his ink puddle again, that led him to this multiverse in the first place. It's not like he really had many other options to choose from.

At least Destroyer had kept their end of the bargain, allowing him to read some of the numbers easier, hopefully giving him a greater chance to leave this place.

He continued frowning as he tried to hash out his plan, stuck in thought when he was suddenly lifted up by Parasite, staring at them in confusion. They tended to do this a lot but he liked the buzzing his chest made in response, so he didn't put up a fuss.

"What up, little bro? You look down in da dumps"

"Do you know how to travel to different multiverses?" He wasn't expecting much, so was surprised when their sunglasses switched to exclamation marks and they nodded.

"I do! Any place in particular place you aiming for, little dude? Or do you want something just rad?"


SwapDream Multiverse

Paperjam decided that he did not like Parasites method of travelling at all, much preferring his ink. He was determined to make his way work someday!...but right now he was busy trying not to be sick, feeling very wobbly when they put him down.

"Here you go. One rad place!"

The babybones looked up, closing his sockets to try and block out the jumbled numbers from this new multiverse, even if he knew it was futile to try.

He knew the numbers NEVER stopped but he could still hope.

Fifteen minutes later he felt much more stable and studied the numbers, unsure what he was exactly looking at.

...Perhaps looking around would help him make more sense of them?

Walking away from Parasite he spotted a lot of trees, which helped to relax him as it reminded him of his birth AU. He had taken note that not many beings tended to stay near forests for long, so he should have more freedom to explore, without bumping into any more abominations.

It almost felt like he was back home with how empty this place was, only the numbers reassuring him he was no longer stuck in his old 'home'.

His exploration wasn't really turning up much but he soon paused when he stumbled upon a large tree stump, carefully poking it and smiling at how the numbers seemed to splutter around it. What an odd tree stump..

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