Chapter 31- Be careful what you say..(PlantVerse)

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End is relieved that Star is safe but of course his mate says something without thinking and now they have a brand new mess to deal with...



Jasmine was slowly patting Errors back, the size difference making this kind of awkward but he wasnt going to deny his friend some comfort. The last few hours had certainly been an 'experience', one he hoped to never repeat again.

He had somehow sweet talked the new adult creatures to spare them having a feeling that End had enjoyed watching him squirm the entire time and was honestly shocked neither him or Error had been harmed.

He watched the odd terrifying family from a safe distance, not planning on moving from his position until they left, as he feared they may follow him back to his AU where his twin was. 

He was still wondering how he would deal with all of Stars 'fun Creations' littered around, thinking of asking Error for help but would wait until they stopped crying..if that ever happened .

He logically knew that it was a pointless precaution, especially considering the strange power these beings had exhibited and the frankly terrifying things he overheard but he still wouldn't take the risk.

He shivered when the one called 'End' mockingly waved at him, his vines circling over his body in fear and hoping they would leave soon.

He had never truly understood the phrase 'ignorance is bliss' until he was gleefully sadistically informed all about his multiverse and that his existence was a mere 'mistake' in the grand scheme of things.

...At least he got off lighter than Error, who was still crying over whatever End had whispered to them.

He would usually want to know everything as he adored all knowledge but that was past him, now no longer as naive and feeling he had aged years after the past week.

If he had thought Star was the worst thing he would ever have to deal with, he was quickly proven wrong, it almost like the multiverse itself wanted to personally correct him on his opinion.

Learning about Creators blew his mind, the deceptively friendly monster standing beside End somehow bringing him greater terror despite never having spoken to them.

" That felt way too easy... "

End muttered suspiciously after he had grown bored of tormenting the knock off Guardian and pitiful Destroyer, glad they had gotten the message to stay away.

He had graciously allowed them to live, not thinking they were worth the magic needed to dust them but he still didnt like them. 

The search for Star had taken far less time then he imagined and with surprisingly little fuss. He gently rocked the sleeping babybones, surprised Star had actually fallen asleep in his arms and unwilling to put them down quite yet..

He had asked his mate to make sure to take many pictures, feeling elated they had gotten to this point but also fearing he was in a dream.

"You are being paranoid. I told you it would all work out, End"

" Origin..i love you but im still unwilling to trust your 'Creators instinct' as you like to call it "

"Thats a tad rude! I'll have you know its very reliable and has helped me out of many troublesome situations in the past"

" The last time you followed this wonderful instinct, I had to stop you from taking over a multiverse! "

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