Chapter 6 - Would you dare to try this yourself?

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- Something is definitely wrong with you 682...

- I promise, it is only going to get better from this point. – He spoke with a sadistic smile.

Slowly everyone else followed, while three people almost threw up while eating it but everyone made it to the next round. Before 682 was able to serve the next dish, a donation appeared, where somebody promised to donate 10000 dollars to each person, who eats all the future dishes with a smile and without throwing up. This immediately boosted up the morale, especially since the next dish looked pretty decent, until 682 spilled the beans and revealed what was it.

- The next dish is a traditional Polish dish, known as Flaki, which roughly translates as Guts. Have fun everyone! – He laughed once again and ran back to the kitchen, waiting for the competitors to finish their plates.

This time, it wasn't just one or two bites, but a full plate of these Guts, which were repelling with just its name. Diana tried it first, and surprisingly didn't feel like she was about to throw up. Instead, she encouraged others to try it, and surprisingly, two other people also liked it. Natas wasn't one of those people, he absolutely hated the dish, but continued making a fake smile in order to win those ten thousand dollars from that random person in the chat.

Everyone finished their meals, and 682 brought another dish, which this time was a regional snack from Cambodia, and it was a plate full of deep-fried spiders. Each team was given a plate of twelve arachnids, and they were supposed to eat it together, it didn't matter how much every individual eats, as long as every person eats at least one.

With no surprise, one D-class decided to resign completely, which would cost his team a whole point at the end of this competition. Everyone else slowly ate the spiders, even though Amanda was visibly preventing herself from puking during her first and only bite. Natas on the other hand said, that it kind of tasted like chicken, and after another minute the next dish was given to the teams. This time, it looked like innocent chicken nuggets, and each team was also given a sauce based on mayonnaise as a dip to this meal.

Before the first person was able to take the first bite, 682 said those were Rocky Mountain Oysters, which made Amanda drop the nugget back onto her plate and immediately leave the table. We weren't satisfied from this, but luckily Leif and Diana somehow managed to eat this "chicken nugget" without bigger problems, but the same couldn't be said about Natas, who had to quickly grab some water in order to swallow it.

- This dish wasn't that bad, why are you looking so pissed? – 682 spoke to him with a smile, which further enraged Natas.

- Why the fuck did you make us eat this?! What the actual hell is wrong with you?! – He yelled at him, while 682 only shrugged his front arms.

- It could have been much worse.

- Go eat a dick you piece of shit! – Natas yelled at 682, which made him smile even more.

- What a wonderful idea! You just guessed the secret codeword! – He screamed in joy and ran back to the kitchen.

- The secret what? – He said confused, as 682 brought him another plate, only for one person.

The dish itself was made out of dark chocolate, shaped into a thirty centimetre, or around 11,8 inches long male genitalia and served on a white, porcelain plate with edible flowers and some edible glitter. Upon seeing this, Natas immediately stood up:

- Hell no! I am not eating this! – He yelled, while 682 looked at him with eyes which had absolutely no life in them.

- I cannot kill you, but I can make you suffer in front of... – He checked 079's screen and continued. – Over twenty-seven million people watching us live. And either you are going to eat this, or your team is going to lose five points from your total score, which will put you at a huge disadvantage.

- Okay.. I am sorry, I shouldn't have said those words to you 682... – Natas spoke with a sadness, which I immediately was able to recognize as a fake one.

- Cool, I don't care. Eat it now. – 682 responded and pointed on the plate. – Because if you don't... – His voice became slow, and with each word it felt like the death itself was walking around the room – I will make sure.... That your entire team suffers until this competition is over...

Unwillingly, Natas slowly grabbed the chocolate sculpture, and after taking a big bite of it, a bunch of molten, white chocolate spilled onto his clothes and the plate itself. As he continued eating, tears started appearing in his eyes, and when he was done he stood up, and without saying a word left the competition and went back to his room.

This meant that the D-class team lost yet another point, and there were apparently three dishes left until the end of the competition. 682 brought another two plates with the same dish which name was given to the opening I used in a chess game against SCP-953. It didn't cause as much trouble as the Rocky Mountain Oysters, and within three minutes 682 brought another plate with a soup.

This one, was coming from Jamaica, and it was a soup made out of various goat parts. Both Leif and Diana said it was pretty good, and the last remaining D-class confirmed it. As the last-but-one dish, every person was given a piece of a durian fruit, which had such a specific smell, that everyone in the room could smell it, but the competitors ate it anyway.

The moment it happened, the same person who sent that first donation, sent an additional donation, where he suggested all participants a double or nothing for their money. 682 thought about it for a moment and said:

- You know what? I agree on this! I have one more dish which I am willing to give you, and double your points if you manage to eat it. But don't worry, I won't take them away if you fail.

All three remaining competitors thought about it for a moment, and all of them agreed to try the last delicacy 682 had prepared. He looked at his sister 239 and said:

- The catch is... We have to do it outside... So... Could you please bring all of us there?

She did as he said, and teleported everyone, including the recording devices outside of the facility, which as we could see, was surrounded by a magical barrier, which didn't allow anyone to cross it and enter or leave the facility. As the competitors sat at the table, 682 gave them a can opener and a small can, before adding a simple "Good luck".

The D-class slowly grabbed the opener, and after making the first hole in the can started gagging, which was shortly followed by Diana and Leif, and then everyone else who was watching it from a close distance. The smell itself was like a combination of every smelly thing I have ever felt, multiplied by a thousand. Some people started vomiting on the ground, including the SCPs, who were absolutely unprepared for what 682 prepared.

The D-class left the table almost immediately, while Leif and Diana continued to open the can. After another twenty seconds of unbearable smell the can was opened, and each of them grabbed a small piece of the fish, and a short instruction note from 682 about how to prepare it. As they started gutting the fish, more people started throwing up on the ground, and I was able to spot Abel throwing up along with two D-class and three scientists in one corner.

As they were preparing the fish, Diana decided to abandon the ship and left Leif completely alone. At this point, almost everyone was throwing up from the smell, but Leif hesitantly took a small bite of the fish in the bread, and after a few more seconds swallowed it in front of everyone, and was the only person who managed to successfully gain doubled points from 682.

Siggurós quickly teleported everyone back to the facility and gave us some ice-cold water to drink. The competition was pretty much over, and Natas was still crying in his own room because of the dessert 682 gave him. The competition ended 3:1 for our team, but I counted it as an absolute win, just because Natas got humiliated in front of the entire world.

SCP x Male Reader - The deadly showOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora