And she didn't. She certainly didn't. Besides the money she was literally scraping off the wealthy businessman in the apartment above for sucking his dick, she had nothing. She lived in some rental studio downtown and took the bus everywhere. She smelt of a cheap perfume and was dressed in nothing but a belted coat over her underwear. Her makeup was dark and sultry - the total opposite of her personality. Her red lips stood out, the most obvious trademark of her profession. 

They knew. 

She knew. 

She was the imposter, the one who slept around to climb the economic ladder. 

Putting her head down like she always did, she waited through each 'ding' and stop of the elevator until she was the only one on it, quietly making her way up to the bed of a wealthy man as the soft, awkward strums of elevator music filled her ears.

When she reached his floor, she stepped off and began preparing herself for her role. She was the strong, confident goddess. She held her head up and straightened her posture, flipping her hair over shoulder. 

Breathe in. 

Breathe out. 

Her heels began to click against the floor with more power now, echoing against the walls of the building as she approached Jungkook's door. She was here. 

She reached his door, standing in front of it with her eyes carefully trained on the matte black paint on the door. She knocked her knuckles against the door. 

Show time. 

She waited for a moment. Her ears could pick up Jungkook's hurried steps as he rushed anxiously to the door. He didn't want to keep her waiting. He was excited to see her.

Lola, stop it. 

He just couldn't wait to get his dick wet.

That was it. 

The door flew open, revealing Jungkook's gorgeous features before her. His typical outfit. His typical expression. She could already see it in his eyes - the adoration. The desire. It was almost love, but it wasn't. 

She tried to brush the thought away from her mind as she prepared to walk past him and into his room. Just in and out. The foreplay can be short.  Just let him inside and out. It would feel good, hopefully. It was just a fuck. He'd get what he wanted and she'd get money. She just needed to leave her emotions at the door.

However, no one could have prepared her for the moment his arms slipped around her waist and pulled her into his chest, holding her there tightly against his racing heartbeat, using his shaking hands to caress the hair from her cheeks as if he needed to do something to release the overwhelming affection towards her from his body. 

"God, I've missed you. I know it's weird...we just talked today...but I missed you." 

She was gobsmacked. Unable to speak. The piney smell of him filled her with a strange sense of comfort. His arms felt safe, stable, strong. A rush of warmth filled her cheeks as a rush of suppressed feelings fed into her soul. 

When had she ever been hugged like this? 

He placed soft kisses against her face just like she had wished he would. They weren't harsh. They weren't sexual. They weren't filled with lust.  They weren't even on her lips. 

They were loving. Sweet. Soft. Safe. God, there was so many words she could use to describe them. She hated them, she loved them. 

Deep down she knew she wouldn't mind being in his arms forever. 

She didn't have the choice. Forever didn't last when you were just hooking up with someone. 

Jungkook slowly pulled away, leaving her cold and empty. "I-I'm sorry." He said remorsefully, "That was non-consensual, right? Shit." His eyes tripped over her shocked features in horror as his hands reached to scruff through his combed hair. "I didn't mean to...I just didn't know what to do...I was excited to see you." 

Lola blinked at him, distantly, unable to make sense of anything he rambled as she tried to wrap her head around what had just happened. 

She was digging herself a very deep grave with this man. 

She'd be the only one hurt. 

As always. 


Hope you enjoyed this very angsty Lola chapter :D

This is what happens when you play a very angsty song over and over again until it begins to infiltrate your writing.

oH I LoVe It AnD i hAtE IT At ThE sAmE TiMe~

Jungkook kinda sweet at the end ngl if a man did that for me idc if it was gonna mess me up id be on my hands and knees

But then again i'd be on my hands and knees anyway so like (¬‿¬)

Fuck me pls Jungkook - 

Anyway, you didn't see that. 

Smut is up next to wash away the feelings :D

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