Chapter 18

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I heard a noise outside so I ran out to see it was the last of the rogue ones lead by Cathy. I was surprised to see her alive. She looked like she had gone through the mill. Her clan ran along side her running to rip us apart. The others tried to talk to her but she made it clear that we all had to die. She wanted very much for people to know that werewolves are the type beasts that people should fear. Having no choice I quickly killed them all so no one else had to die. When the last one was killed I walked back to the mansion feeling like a piece of me had died. I sank to the floor slowly. Around me people were congratulating each other at the death of these things. Some remembered the old days when both sides were enemies. They left to celebrate while I sat there frozen. No one paid attention to me. They were too busy chatting. One of the werewolves sat next to me and all I could say was that I had just murdered my family. He stared at me for a moment and he carried me back indoors and ordered the maids to give me a bath.

When I was cleaned I looked at my hands and I still remembered the blood on my hand and started to cry. A female werewolf hugged me and she consoled me till I was able to go out without looking like a mess. The celebration went on like a blur. The werewolf that consoled me approached the others and they talked to one another. When they were done they stared at me with sadness too. When the party was over they all wished each other a wonderful vampiric new year before they left to whatever job they were assigned to. I sat in my chair lost for words and the wolves approached me and I raised my hands to pacify them, "Please don't hurt me." They raised theirs to say they meant no harm either. They asked me if I wanted to go to the kitchen and cook something. I said I wanted to go find the nearest washing machine and kick it. They happily pointed to where I would find one and I gave it a few good kicks before I decided to go for a walk.

I sat in the bench in the back garden. Where I saw the stars twinkle. Oleg sat next to me and he looked me in the eye as he asked me if killing them really felt like I had lost my family. I burst into tears and cried. He held to me till I felt the burden in my heart lighten. He gave me a hug and left for his station. I waited till I looked normal before I walked back to my room. The wolves behaved very oddly as I walked past them. They gave me a nod or an encouraging smile as I walked past them. All I could do was walk. I dragged my legs to my room. I saw them give me a sad look as I closed the door.

I stayed there till Angus came to take me to the pet store. I saw Iguana, pythons, birds, fishes, spiders, cats, dogs and rabbits. The twins watched as I eagerly pressed my nose against the glass to watch the fishes. Igor asked me if this is what I wanted and I quickly reply that I was just curious but not interested in buying it. I saw a puppy and remembered that Shaw was allergic to it so when he would show up Batou would take Max. I reached out and the dog happily leaned forward and licked my fingers. I wanted to adopt a few of the dogs but was told that vampires and werewolves can't own pets so I came back empty handed. When I explained my predicament the werewolves. They were not pleased to hear that so they got me a stray puppy. He had long floppy ears and had brown patches on him. I named him Floppsy as I washed him of any dirt. I promised to raise him like a family. The wolves were happy to see me smiling.

They wished me a happy birthday as I ate a slice of chocolate cake. I happily ate a few slices and looked to see that a soldier was waiting to talk to the council. He wanted to sue us to in the hopes to become one of us but here's the thing. His lawyers made it clear that he has no ground but still he came to try his luck. Dennis quickly called the courthouse. The soldier was overruled in five seconds and was sent back home. I was happy to see him leave.

This made the werewolves curious so they asked me why I was happy so I explained that the both the military and spies have been cooking a plan to make soldiers out werewolves, assassins out of vampires. Both sides will lose the freedom they are enjoying. I gave them the location where these ideas were being hatched.

Both sides sent people to find out the truth. They discovered that Jayden was the one responsible for this evil act. There was much arguments before it was confirmed it was him and made sure an absolute law that dictates that past today no one of military, scientific or spy industry is allowed to join either side. If anyone is caught helping them make an army then the penalty will be death. Both sides enjoy not having to rip each other apart. But if they are spy and soldiers then it is possible that they will be on the opposite ends again. This is not what they were hoping for.

They thanked me as they presented another problem. The other hybrid that has been chosen to succeed me is Jayden himself. He has been behind the latest troubles. The whole reason he was doing these evil things to the nocturnals was to find a way to be human again. He wanted to punish them for robbing him of his life. They asked me to find another successor I suggested that they make Anya's son Soren as my successor. She was an Elderly vampire that was once recognized as queen so they didn't object.

The coronation was set for next week while they tried to find a way to deal with Jayden. He will be removed from the council and given an antidote that will make him human again. Being human has been his dream since he became a hybrid. In addition he will be made to forget his life with the nocturnals. He will only remember that he was once a hybrid but now full human. He will live out his sentence as a human.

They summoned him before the council and happily deseated him as a punishment for his dealing with humans. He was given the antidote. He changed back to his human self. He was happy to have his life back. He thanked us profusely and left to get his things. He was only allowed the clothes on his back. He demanded his servants. They all renounced him since he is no longer a nocturnal. They swore their allegiance to Soren. This soured him greatly but he said nothing. He demanded his money and he was told that his account has been drained to pay for the rehabilitation of those he had destroyed. He wasn't happy but he had no other choice. He was made to forget about our world and was sent to live as a human. He didn't complain but he did kept looking back for some reason. Whatever it was God help us.

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