Chapter 5 - Kitty

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A/N: As you may see, this is part two and this will be Artemis POV. Enjoy!


Part 2

Artemis POV

Chapter 5 - Kitty

As soon as the twins had disappeared, I peered around for a place to explore. There were two paths before me. A path that Leveret and twins had taken, and a path that led to a mystical, glowing forest. The need to explore the forest had a pull on me as though I was being tugged like a puppet on strings, so I took a step towards it. Then another and another, until I was running full speed into the forest. The forest was further than expected so by the time I reached it, I was out of breath. Upon entering it, I was amazed. Small glowing creatures floated like mini light bulbs. On closer look, they were fairies who were zooming about with their daily business. I turned 360º, taking in all I saw. The sight was amazing. It wasn't long before I realised that my feet had been walking by itself and has gotten me lost. There seemed to be no familiar landmarks to direct me back. Suddenly out of the blue, there was a rustle in the bushes. I crouched down to peer into the leaves. There two blue eyes grinned followed by white, shining teeth. Before I could react, the bush shook and out jumped a girl. Her hair was a mess of curls the shade of amethysts. She was clothed in a pink and purple striped jumper and wore dark blue jeans.

"G'day! You must be the new lady everybody has been talking about. I was so curious to see who they are talking about but now I see. I see!"

"Not to be rude, but who are you?"

"I am who I am! My name is Phylicia Kitty Nina Heart. People call me Cheshire Cat because I'm always smiling. They say my smile is the last thing they always see of me. But for now, just call me Kitty."

It was true her smile was huge. If I were to smile like that my cheeks would hurt after a minute. After looking at her smile awhile, I looked away. It was just too blinding, it held an intimidating glare to it similar to the light police often shone into your eyes to get answers. 

"Well, where are you off to new lady?"

Her question caught me off guard. I wasn't really going anywhere but I still wanted to go somewhere. I was also kind of lost at this point. As if reading my thoughts, she cut straight into it.

"Nowhere in particular, my lady? Why then I want to introduce you to my besties. I think you will like them very, very much my lady. You certainly like tea don't you, my lady? Let us go. Quickly, my lady. Before we miss them."

She stood up, shaking the leaves from her hair, and swept the remaining off her jumper as if a cat cleaning her fur. She swung around, her hair flying out behind her. Then raced into the forest giggling.

"Come on! Slow poke!"

I ran to keep up, tripping over roots that lay all over the grass covered floor. Her laughter filled the forest as she dashed in front of me. I didn't know where we were going but a sense of familiarity and comfort filled me.

We ran past trees of all shapes and sizes blossoming with all kinds of life within their branches. Once I had tripped over a root because I was too caught up looking up. It wasn't long before the branches had started to grow thicker and I had to slow down to push them apart. I lost sight of Kitty after a while but I just followed her echoing giggles.

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