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do you see it?
Monday 8:02 a.m.




A natural, garden-fresh smell wafts near your nose as a familiar figure leans toward you. His short, bobbed hair follows his motions as he talks to you.

"So, how was your summer?" He whispers.

You sigh quietly. "Very...uneventful."

"Is that so?" Tighnari leans back into his seat and continues scribbling furiously in his notebook, his posture having his knees up to his chest.

"What the hell are you writing?" You ask bewilderedly. "It's the first day of school and she's still taking attendance." You faintly gesture toward the young woman at the front of the classroom, nervously glancing between her clipboard and the room of students before her.

"I'm finding the cure to cancer, now stop bothering me. Here!" He raises his hand abruptly upon hearing his name before returning to his preoccupied pose.

"What a nerd," you whisper lightheartedly. Tighnari doesn't respond, so you look in the other direction and place your chin on the palm of your hand.

"...Y/n?" The teacher looks up and around at the room.

You raise your hand without a word, and she marks off your name on the attendance sheet. Now that your one and only duty has been taken care of, you let your mind wander.

You thought you were lucky when you saw Tighnari's name in your first period, but as your eyes drifted down the list of classes, you saw that your schedule matched his perfectly. You thought, the Archons must've taken pity on me! It's so humbling, but so convenient!

Had you not gotten Tighnari in any of your classes, you probably would have crumpled to the floor and started to cry. You're practically helpless without a hand to hold, and Tighnari's is the only one within reach.

However, it turns out that the "Archons" were actually just Tighnari. He had spoken with the dean and requested that the two of you be put in the same classes. You then asked him about it, but he waved it off and said he was just worried that you'd perform worse without someone you knew. Even if this was true, it would make Tighnari an incredible friend. But you knew he only wanted to share classes with you, and the thought of this made you smile.

"O-Okay, um," the young teacher says, placing her clipboard on the desk and fidgeting with her hands. Her voice struggles to raise over that of the rest of the class. "You all may know this already, but it's my first year teaching at Teyvat High, so..." She gulps. "...If you'd overlook any...mistakes, or anything...that would b-be greatly appreciated..." Her trembling hands move up to caress her green hair, which is tied in a low ponytail and hung over her shoulder.

The class doesn't respond except for a few nods from the most eager of students.

"Oh...I guess I should welcome you to your third year. My name is Sucrose, and I'll be your chemistry teacher." She sighs and sits down at her desk to cower behind the monitor.

A few minutes of awkward silence pass by.

"Um," a student pipes up. "Are we doing anything today?"

"Huh?" Sucrose looks up from her desk. "Oh, ah, right!" She stands up quickly, almost knocking over a penholder, and picks up a large stack of papers sitting on the edge of her desk. "I have a survey here. Just a little, um, pre-semester knowledge...so I know where to start the curriculum."

❝ just call me ❞ ーxiao × reader  ♪☆・.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant