Chapter 19: Runner

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"Your fascination is unsettling."

"Just enlighten me."

I inhale deeply and turn to the sky, watching as the stars sparkle. Sometimes, when I look at them from No Man's Land, I remember what they looked like from Ship 5. It was so different there. Being someone who glided through space on that ship. It was such a different time.

"Fine," I say heavily. "While it is true that I am a plant, if you recall, I am an independent, which means I'm not programmed like other plants. It's hard to explain, but we're different from them. Well, I'm different from them."

"Because you don't generate anything while your brother does?"

Those words, though spoken truly, are sharp and cut through me, even without meaning to. But they are right. Nai and I have always been so similar, but so different.

"Yeah. And Nai...he doesn't have needs like hunger and thirst. Those are things that only I have ever experienced," I reply, swallowing. "I guess you could say I'm a lot more human than plant."

I can feel his gaze on me as he observes, then: "So, that's your answer, eh? You're more human, so ya got horny and fucked Gimpy?"

I cringe. "You make it sound way more vulgar than it was. And I told you to stop calling her that."

His gaze falls on me again. In the artificial glow of the streetlamps, his eyes look so much darker and colder than they usually do, and his jaw flexes. That cigarette is moved up and down, then he speaks, his tone low and flat.

"I see. So, you have needs, unlike your brother. Whatever. It is what it is. There's no shame in that. Won't lie, though. I find it kind of weird that a plant can go around fucking people, but it is what it is. I've seen and heard crazier."

Another gust of wind blows, and I swallow, turning back to the street.

Crazier. There is always crazier. He's not wrong. Being alive for a hundred-and-fifty years has taught me that. I've seen a lot of things. Great, wonderful things, and horrible, tragic things. Things that brought me joy, and things that broke my heart. And things that disturbed me.

Suddenly, I think back to Jeneora Rock and how that town was turned upside down thanks to Nai. Rosa and Tonis, everyone there. Their lives were all rattled, ripping them from their norm.

And then my mind flashes to another name. One that sounds so familiar, but I can't figure out why.

Jonas Williams. A wanted man for arson and murder. And someone that for some reason, kept Kanyon at his side. But why?

The burn scar on her abdomen haunts my mind.

I swallow the lump in my throat and glimpse at Wolfwood, asking, "Hey, have you...ever heard the name Jonas Williams before?"

"Hmm? Who?"

"Jonas Williams."

He stands for a moment, probably thinking, then shakes his head. "No, can't say I have. Why? Some friend of yours?"

I never did tell him. I never told Wolfwood about the conversation Roberto, Meryl, and I had the other day revolving around Jonas Williams, but now, I feel as though I should.

So, I spend the next several minutes explaining to him what was discussed that day. I tell him about Jonas Williams and how Kanyon was traveling with him. I tell him about the fires and the family that was killed in one of those fires. And with each piece of information revealed, his expression changes more and more.

The only thing I don't tell him is about the scar that stretches across Kanyon's abdomen.

"Wow," he says, blinking. The faint glow of the moons slivers over him, glossing his hair. "No wonder you're all in your head again. Though, can't say I'm surprised Grandpa would do some digging and find something. Seems just like him." His eyes meet mine. "So, this Jonas guy, you think he killed Gimpy's –" I shoot him a sharp look and he rolls his eyes. "Kanyon's family?"

The Stampede ~Vash x OC AU~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin