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The greenette was laid on her back, her eyes tightly shut, and her brows pinched together. Her lips were parted slightly, and a sound of exhaustion tore Zoro's attention from his swords to her.

"What's wrong with you?" He grunts.

"Why? Worried?" Aridam tries to tease, but it only ends with her hissing and clutching her side.

The battle against Kaido and the mission to reclaim Wano had demanded more than she was willing to admit. While Zoro and the crew faced off with Kaido's top dogs, she found herself locking horns with an admiral—not Akainu, unfortunately. Some newbie whom she preferred to call Greenie, who liked to act all strong. Well, he was strong enough; she'll give him that.

Zoro was by her side within seconds, pulling at her kimono and moving the fabric from a particularly drenched spot. He scowled at her and went to call for Chopper, but Aridam had other plans.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Quit it." Zoro snapped, his lip curling in a scowl. When Aridam went to argue, he arched an eyebrow as a warning; she responded with a roll of her eyes. To stem the bleeding, Zoro firmly presses his bare hands against her wound, paying no mind to her almost biting him in response.

"Who did this to you?"

Aridam looks at him, as if the question requires more than a mere two seconds to process. "The cut or the abs?"

She cackles when he presses against her wound harder. "That hurts—do it more."

"You're so weird." Zoro grins. He can't deny the entertainment in her masochistic tendencies, and he finds himself oddly drawn to her and her unique quirks.

They remain in that position for a few minutes, exchanging silent gazes while Zoro works on staunching the bleeding. Eventually, Zoro becomes aware that he's been fixating on her deep green eyes for a bit too long. He deliberately looks away, ignoring the faint blush on his cheeks. When Aridam teasingly points it out, he hastily calls for Marco or Chopper to distract from the moment.

Marco gracefully descends and lands in a kneeling position, smirking down at Aridam, who wastes no time flipping him off. Rolling his eyes, the blond male reaches over to examine her wound, his fingers igniting into flames. Aridam hisses at the heat.

"I don't need your help, bird-boy," she retorts.

"Aren't you older than me? You're so immature," Marco taunts.

Observing the bickering duo, Zoro leans back, crossing his arms. The argument persists even after Aridam's wound is healed.

"How do you two know each other?" Zoro inquires.

"I caught him trying to sell his virginity," Aridam nonchalantly claims, almost convincing if not for the fiery protests from the blond phoenix.

"Liar! Where do you even come up with this stuff?" Marco shoots back.

Aridam sticks her tongue out, and Zoro can't help but hide a smirk.

"Our crews used to have friendly duels, yoi. I usually duel against Aridam," Marco explains.

"Which I always won, by the way. He's annoyingly easy to beat," Aridam interjects.

The banter between the two continues.

Meanwhile, Chopper arrives on the scene, a medical bag in hand, and takes over from Marco to check on Aridam's wound. Despite Aridam's protests about unnecessary fuss, Chopper insists on making sure everything is in order.

Zoro watches the interactions with a mixture of curiosity and mild amusement.

As Chopper tends to Aridam, the green-haired swordsman catches Marco's eye. "So, duels and virginity aside, what's the story with your crew and hers? It seems like you've known each other for a while."

Marco chuckles. "Yeah, we've crossed paths more times than I can count. Our crews used to meet up on different islands, not just for duels but to share stories and resources. It was a good way to pass time, and our captains enjoyed each other's company."

Aridam, now free from Chopper's ministrations, rolls her eyes at Marco's sentimental tone. "You still owe me that rematch, bird-brain."

Marco smirks, "Anytime you're ready, Greenette."

"Some other time." Zoro interrupts gruffly.

With a subtle glance, Zoro catches Aridam's eye, and there's a shared understanding that transcends words. In the midst of the chaos and banter, there's a quiet connection between them, a connection that speaks of unspoken feelings.

Aridam, too, seems to sense the shift in the air. She steals glances at Zoro when she thinks no one is looking, her eyes betraying a depth of emotion that goes beyond the usual banter. The healed wound becomes a metaphor for something more profoundly healing between them.

Chopper, the ever-observant doctor, notices the subtle interplay between the two but wisely decides to focus on finishing his medical duties. Marco, with his keen observation skills, smirks knowingly, catching the unspoken tension in the air.

He's going to hold this over her head for decades to come.

As the doctors disperse, leaving Aridam and Zoro with a momentary reprieve, Zoro finally breaks the silence. "You know, for someone who just faced off against an admiral, you seem to handle pain pretty well."

Aridam smirks, a playful glint in her eyes. "I've had worse. Plus, it's a good distraction from the chaos. Keeps things interesting."

Zoro, ever the stoic swordsman, chuckles. "Interesting is one way to put it."

They find themselves sitting together, the quiet waves of the sea serving as a backdrop to the moment. Zoro gazes at Aridam; his eyes reveal a curiosity that extends beyond mere contemplation of her history and peculiar personality. Aridam, in turn, feels a sense of comfort in his presence, a reassurance that extends beyond the physical wounds. Everything in her burns in warning, almost trying to sabotage her as she chooses to relax in his comforting presence rather than flee from it.

It doesn't feel comfortable, but most new experiences don't.

In that moment, amid the loud splashing of waves and the vastness of the open sea, Zoro steals a glance at Aridam, who speaks of a journey that is far from over. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Aridam looks at Zoro and attempts to etch the details of his features into her memory. A new desire to observe and learn more about him almost suggests the potential for a future filled with more than just battles and duels.

A future that could have been fulfilled if she wasn't killed again later that night.


I'm almost done this story. it'll be my last fanfic, and then I'll be posting my Spidersona story once I complete it. It's a Miles x Oc pairing but focuses more on the Oc. I MIGHT post a little chapter to give you guys a glimpse, if you ask. Otherwise, that's what I'm most focused on.

(I have written 30k words already and am not even halfway done.)

theres a possibility i'll be discontinuing this story, OR i could rush it and give u a lil ending. Your choice. I started losing my interest for One Piece (I still love it tho) after the death of a friend last year, and i cant seem to rekindle that interest. I apologize 

Lmk, yall 🙏

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