Set the date

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Y/ns pov:

  It's been a few weeks since Johnnie has given me the promise ring. And just to fill in what all had happened, Tara and I have packed up are whole apartment and moved in with Jake and Johnnie.

  Of course she's sharing a room with Jake and I'm sharing a room with Johnnie.

   Tara and Jake have started planning their wedding. It isn't going to be too much they really just want to get it over with. I'm so excited for her.

   It's not going to be any regular wedding they are just inviting family and friends and exchanging vows. Not the traditional way at all. And I loveee that idea. It's not too much attention.

   We started to try and figure something out with my sister. I made an anonymous report. Our grandma loves to travel always has that's why we have not seen her much she is going to try and get custody of my sister and move here to LA so we can be close.

   It will be nice to have some family. My sister and I have talked since and things are getting better between us, not perfect yet but better.

   Today Johnnie is going to another show, Jake is going with him this time. It's here in LA so he will be back tonight. Tara and I are going to go dress shopping today for her wedding!

     I sit up in bed from daydreaming and Johnnie is at his desk editing some videos him and Jake had filmed the other day.

    I walk over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going to get in the shower" I say messing with his hair.

"Okay I'm going to finish editing this then start getting ready for my show"he says still focused on working

" I'll see you when I get out right?"

"Of course I'm not leaving without saying goodbye" he says focusing on me for a short second and kissing me back.

   I walk out of the room and get into the shower.

Tara's pov:

   I'm so stressed out and nervous. I'm going to be dress shopping today. My dress has to be perfect.

   Im in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I love cooking. And Jake is sitting at the island editing videos. Him and Johnnie always are either filming or editing anymore.

   But I'm very proud of them.

   Johnnie walks in and stands there weirdly

Jake:"well good morning my sweet boy"

Johnnie:"hey guys I wanted to talk"

Jake:" well sit"

  I listen but still continue to cook pancakes.

Jake:" what's up man"

Johnnie:" I think-" he pauses

Tara:" omg Johnnie just talk why do you guys do this?"

Johnnie:" I think I'm going to propose to y/n"

It goes silent.

Jake:" you sure about that?"

Johnnie:" I love her so much, I don't see myself going on without her"

Tara:" do it!"

Jake:" when will you do it?"

Johnnie:" I'm not sure yet, but I do want to. I'm not in a rush at all I just know I want too"

Tara:" I have an idea"

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