Forever is a long time

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(The song this chapters vibe gives me is "I wouldn't mind" by he is we)
Johnnie's pov:

I asked Jake to go to the store with me, I want to get y/n a promise ring. I know with Alex coming in trying to mess stuff up can be hard for her and I just want to prove to her that I promise to be here for her.

  I have Jake stop by our house I I can se some things up for her, I'm going to see if she wants to stay here tonight just us. I want to try everything to get her mind off of all she's been dealing with. I got her favorite movies and snacks as well.

We get back to the apartment and Jake plans on staying here to help Tara start packing to move. They plan on moving at the beginning of the year when the lease is up.

   I sit next to y/n and Tara. I ask her if she wanted to stay at mine and Jake's tonight and told her it would just be us and she's fine with it. So I can check that off my list.

"Do you want to change into more comfy clothes or do you want to wear that?" I ask her

"I'll go change really quick" she gets up and goes to her room.

  I look over at Tara and tell her what I plan on doing.

"That's so cute Johnnie" she says smiling

"I just figured we needed some time together alone you know"

"I get it. I'll gladly take alone time with Jake" she says smirking.

   Why is she always like this. After a bit of us just chatting y/n comes out. She's wearing short black biker shorts, and my bring me the horizon t- shirt.

   She had her makeup all done and hair fixed. She looks so beautiful. I look her up and down again and realize she's still wearing the bandage on her wrist.

  I walk over to her and pull her to the kitchen.

"Can I clean this up for you?" I ask hoping she will let me.

"Yeah" she says softly.

  I start to unwrap the bandage wrap and there was a lot of dried blood. It looks like the majority of the bleeding has stopped. I run her arm under luke warm water to clean it off.

"Oww" she says cleanching her teeth

"I know I'm sorry"

"I did some damage didn't I"

   Jake walks in and wasn't prepared

Jake:"Oh shit y/n that's not good"

Y/n:" you don't say"

Jake:" you sure she don't need more than just you cleaning it Johnnie?"

Johnnie:" Jake I've been here before. Yes she probably could go for stitches but I got it under control. It was a lot worse"

Jake:" goddamn I swear you both. One of you will be the death of me"

Y/n:" I'll be fine"

   I take off the butterfly stitches and pull out my wallet to grab the last bit I have in there.

Jake:" dude why do you have those on hand?"

Y/n:" that's what I asked him yesterday" she says laughing

Johnnie:" when you have bad habits you have to be prepared, now leave me alone"

   Once I removed then the bleeding picked up somewhat so I hurried and put new ones on. It wasn't too bad where I needed to cover it.

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