Growing feelings.

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TW: self harm

Johnnie's pov:

After I walk away from y/n I go and meet Jake in the kitchen. He's just sitting at the island looking at me. I walk up to him and sit down.

Johnnie:" I don't know what to do man"

Jake:" can you explain more?" He says with sass

Johnnie:" I like her a lot, we have been flirting non stop." I paused " fuck I mean we just made out and kissed twice that's something"

Jake:" yeah you need to figure out what you want to do you can't just lead her on" he says in a very serious tone.

Jake:" we are all friends the last thing you want to do is lead her on and then stop it all and make it awkward for not just you guys all of us"

I never thought of that. Damn is this what I want really? I like her a lot I just don't know if I'm ready, it's only been 2 years since Alex cheated on me. I know that's 2 years ago but we were together for 5 years. That's a long time being with someone for them to do that.

That relationship really messed with me I was at the lowest of lows, if I didn't have Jake at that time I probably wouldn't be here. He's the one who had me seen by psychiatrists. I got real bad into cutting , and I got so out of control I almost died one time.

I cannot let the past of that effect me now it's time for me to move on from that. I really feel something with y/n. This is the first time since Alex.

Jake:" so what are you going to do?" He asks pulling me out of my deep thought.

Johnnie:" I think I need her, I want to keep doing what we are doing for the time being until there is a good time"

Jake:" are you mentally okay with that?"

Johnnie:" why wouldn't I be?"

Jake:"Alex? Remember!" He says as if I'm dumb.

Johnnie:" yes Jake, that is something I'm needing to bring up to y/n about."

Jake:"you're right, the only way to get through this is talking through. If you guys are on the same page then it should be smooth sailing"

Johnnie:" I love you man" I say hugging him

Jake:" I love you too. Now go get your girl" he says shoving me playfully.

Y/n pov:

I told Tara everything and she is very excited I think more than I am. She thinks that it would be great for the both of us. Jake and Johnnie have been talking for a wile and it's making me nervous.

What if he's sikeing himself out? What if he doesn't really like me now? I need to stop.

Jake comes into the room and sits on Tara's lap. Yeah Tara's lap.

Jake:" give mama bear some sugar" he says very funny like puckering up at her

Tara:" ewe Jake stoooop" she says giggling kissing him back

Y/n:" I'm gonna barf" I say fake gagging

Jake:" now do we need to bring back up wha-" I cut him off

Y/n:" you know so cute" I say getting up and going into my room.

I wonder why Johnnie didn't come back in with Jake? Maybe he needs some time to think about whatever he was thinking about. Jake didn't seem too worried and I'm sure they talked so maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I go to the bathroom and start getting this dress off and into some comfy clothes for the rest of the night. I put on some short plaid shorts and a devils wears Prada shirt. I go ahead and touch up my makeup just a bit and put my hair up.

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