Episode 2

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Deepika's POV :

Things were getting better. The introvert me finally learnt to get friends.

We were given so many group projects and everything was getting more busier. Initially Meera worked with me in all projects.

We both were day scholars, so we could discuss only during the college hours. We used up all our free hours in working and studying.

I decided to reach college earlier in the morning so that i could escape from the morning sun and the bus crowd. So I started from my home by 7:00 am and would reach the classroom around 8:30 am. I would nap or read something till everyone starts coming. The classes start around 9:00 am. But I has no escape from the evening bus rush.

As it was getting heavy to carry my scale on bus, I decided to leave it at my drafting table every evening.

Our classroom lunch break group was also getting bigger. More girls and boys who usually bring lunch from home started to sit in the classroom with us, as the canteen was far away and we would only waste our energy trying to walk back and forth.

Lavanya's house is very close to Meera's place, so they both became bus mates and she joined the lunch group. Her usual gang goes to canteen to eat everyday, but she decided to stay with us.

" I really couldn't understand a single thing this maths ma'am is teaching! " Sanjay said. He is from this same town and he comes to college in his bike.

" It's just one paper, then we won't have maths later on " I said.

" Hey, Deepika really taught me better than ma'am " Meera said.

" Then can you teach me for this internals? " Sanjay asked me.

" Me too! " Lavanya joined in.

" Me too, I joined Architecture to escape maths, I just want to pass this semester ! " Manoj joined in.

" Okay, Can we all meet by coming saturday then? , I already wanted to come to college to meet Meera for our group work " I said.

" But it is a holiday! " Manoj whined. Sanjay knocked on Manoj's head.

" She is crossing towns to come teach us, and you can't come in your bike from your home behind college? " Sanjay told Manoj.

Everyone laughed and ate our food.

The next day, I got down from the first bus and got on to my second bus. I sat on the window seat and the bus started. I plugged in my earphones and started listening to music.

The bus stopped at the toll gate and a familiar face entered the bus.

It was Arjun.

He waved at me and I pointed to the seat near me as it was empty.

He sat near me and I removed my earphones.

" You don't usually come this early right? " I asked him.

" Yeah, My mom had to leave early for her work, so I thought I too will leave early " He said.

I nodded my head.

" By the way, It has already been a month since college started , Nobody would believe that you are actually travelling from the next town everyday and still doing better than everyone else! " He said.

I laughed at him.

" Oh No, Nobody knows the reality! " I said and shook my head.

" Saw all your works for the visual arts class. It was top notch, you like painting? " He asked me.

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