iii- Dreaming

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One day, I took my chappal and walk to the Dream Land, far in the east of Jeli. No matter what happen, our life journey must go on, the song that we used to sing keep repeating in my mind, As i walk by, a familiar face that appear in my dreams everynight, pass through my sight. The moon riding the silver horse like a hurricane then glare at me and show me a charming smile, her smile brings joy and happiness to me, just like the moon in the dark night, its shine bright than it ever had. We have a little chit-chat. The moon seems to be in hurry and our conversation end there.

The mess and mossy pond change to a national treasure park in a blink, just only by her presence. The fish seem desperate for a light, they swim surrounded the moon, '' how lucky those fish right there, fed and stay closed to the moon''. I wish I could be those fish.

In fact, im just a man, in love with the moon, wishing that could fly in the sky full of stars. The dark green water turn its colour, it look such as clear and clean ocean on the island without occupants. Its was like my routine task to see the pond hoping that she were there. Im very lucky to meet the moon there, even only just to see her smile. If only those moment could last forever, but after a few months, I rarely get to see the moon again at those place...

But im still hoping that we can meet again someday, somewhere. The way she talk, the way she walk, the way she smile, its killing me inside.

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