Chapter Twenty-three: The Party

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I woke up from my nap and I was feeling a lot better. I also felt older. I was back to my normal littlespace age. Which means I need to get out of this horrible diaper. "Daddy!" He came rushing in the room.

"What's wrong princess?"

"I'm not a baby anymore can I change?"

"Of course. You regressed super little so I put it on just in case so you didn't have any accidents."

"I know but I'm a big girl now and it itches."

"Do you want help taking it off?"

"Yes please." Daddy took me to my nursery and helped me change. He picked out a pair of leggings and one of his hoodies. It swallowed me. We went downstairs to hang out with everyone. I was surprised when I saw the pack hanging out with my family. It made me super happy though and I know daddy felt it because he started smiling too.

"Sleepingbeauty you decided to join us!" I giggled at Paul's nickname.

"I'm not Sleepingbeauty silly."

"Are you sure, because you've been sleep for dayssssss."

"No, I haven't it was only a couple hours silly goose." Daddy set me down on the ground I walked over to Paul. He started tickling me and I couldn't stop laughing. Soon the others were laughing and tickling me too.

"Guyssssssss. Please stop. I can't breathe." Everyone knew I was fine so they kept going. It felt like torture. Soon everyone backed away and let me breathe.

"I love you guys." I looked around at everyone in the room. I was so happy that my two families were together. They were enjoying their time together and were at peace. No arguing or mean comments. It was like we were supposed to be here like this and I guess we were because of me.

"Aunty Ali, when's the party?"

"The party is in a couple of days."

"Otay!" I was super excited all of my nerves were gone. I knew if anyone tried to be mean then my family would stop them but I didn't expect that to happen because I know my family has good friends. They might just think me and daddy's relationship is strange. But a lot of people do they just don't understand. I know that if they have questions I will gladly answer and help them understand.

Time Skip 

It was the morning of the party now and everyone was running around the house trying to make everything the way Ali wanted it. I was in the living room watching Handy Manny staying out of the way. I wouldn't be much help anyway. Grandma and Aunty Rose were in the kitchen cooking for me and the wolves. I was excited they were making a whole bunch of food and desserts. Daddy told me if I was good today that I could eat as much as I wanted just for tonight since the party was for me. So I sat on the couch watching cartoons and staying out of the way. I didn't want to get in anyone's way anyway.

"Come on, princess time to get you ready. We only have a couple of hours until the party." Aunty Ali came and picked me up from the couch. She took me upstairs to my room and pulled out the most adorable dress. I loved it. 


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