Chapter Seven: The Volturi

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I looked around the room and everyone looked shocked and concerned. I could tell that their wheels were turning. My own wheels were turning.

If I'm human how can I have abilities like these? Will the Volturi want to hurt me? Will they want me to be changed? What if they want to take me to join them? I need to calm down before I drown myself in what ifs. 

"Elena, we knew that the day would come for you to meet the Volturi, but we did not think it would be this soon. Now that you are displaying these powers it complicates things. I am not sure what they will want when they arrive. They may simply want to meet you but they may want more. We have to be prepared for whatever that means." Carlisle tried to sound calm but I could hear the inflections in his voice as he spoke, and if I heard it everyone did. 

"We have to tell the wolves. If the Volturi come they could be a threat to the town and the rez. I know you guys don't get along but this morning proved that you can for my sake. So, selfishly I need you guys to do it again." Jazzy's grip on me tightened. "You know I'm not going anywhere. They offer more protection for everyone." 

I felt him relax underneath me telling me that he understands what I am saying. The rest of my family however looked at me like I was crazy. I don't understand the big deal. There is safety in numbers. The wolves would give them numbers and would surprise the Volturi. 

"Listen guys, think about it this way we can meet the Volturi in a clearing or even at home and then the wolves could be hiding far enough away that the Volturi can't smell them but close enough so they can hear everything going on. If things go south they will be there as back up to help fight."

 God, if things go south there might be nothing anyone could do. We have no idea what their intentions are coming here and there's no way to know. Alice can't see any of their futures they are playing with her blind spots. Which is even more terrifying. They are coming soon and I am not ready. Not only could this end badly for me but it could be horrible for my whole family. 

I don't like being big Ellie, I want to go back to being little Ellie. I don't like thinking about this stuff. She is trying to come out to protect me from myself. She can sense my distress and she knows that she can take that away but I don't know if that is a good idea right now. "Jazzy, can I talk to you, alone?"

"Yeah, of course princess." I get up and begin to walk towards our room. I sit down on the bed and stare at the floor. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I don't like being big Ellie its too stressful. Can I go back to little Ellie?"

"Of course you can. I will never stop you from being who you want to be." As he spoke he slowly moved me onto his lap. He began rocking me back and forth. I could feel myself slipping back to little Ellie. 

"Daddy, can I get my paci?"

"Yes you can princess." Daddy set me down on the bed and went to get me a paci. He walked in the closet and I felt myself slipping out of the room. All of the Volturi were feeding. There was blood everywhere and I could hear the screams of the humans in the room. As they finished I heard one of them speak, "I can't wait to meet this girl she is adorable."

"Ellie, baby girl can you hear me?" I followed Daddy's voice to bring me back.

"Daddy, I think they're on their way. I just had another dream it was scary. They were eating people then one of them called me adorable after saying he can't wait to meet me. I don't want them to meet me."Daddy picked me up and placed me on his hip.

"We're going to talk to everybody downstairs."

I saw Paul and tried to break free from Daddy's grip. I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and he stood me up on the floor. I ran to Paul and jumped in his arms. He swung me around so I was on his back.

Grandpa spoke first, "I know we do not normally meet like this but this is very important. The Volturi are like our leaders they are coming here to meet Elena. They drink from humans we don't know how long they will be here so you guys should set up some extra patrols. We will need you guys to hide close enough that you can hear the interaction but can't be smelled. So if something happens you guys can help."

"So what you are telling us is these people are coming for Elena and we have no idea what they want with her? Of course we will help in any way we can. Do we know when they are coming here?"Sam spoke up for his pack.

"They're on their way."

"What do you mean princess?" Grandpa was confused.

"I had a special dream but I wasn't sleep. They're excited to meet me. Well one is."

"She also saw them feeding."

"Daddy, I'm okay it only scared me a little bit."

"I'm going to start cooking dinner. I assume you boys will want to eat as well, give Emily a break." Grandma was excited to cook for other people besides me. I climbed off of Paul's back ran over to Seth.

"Elena, you know better than to run in the house!"

I turned around to see daddy staring me down. I looked down sheepishly. "I sowwy daddy I just got excited."

"It's okay princess just don't do it again."

"Otay daddy. I won't do it again. I pinkie pwomise." I lifted my pinkie and hooked it with his. I walked back over to Seth and he took me outside. I sat on the porch as I watched the boys play fight. They're really funny when they do that.

"We're almost there. Now remember we aren't here to hurt the girl just to observe her power and relationship with the Cullens." The others nodded as Aro spoke.


Seth rushed to pick me up to soothe me.

"You gotta get daddy."

"I'm here princess it's okay. Calm down sweetie." Seth handed me over to daddy who slowly rocked me in his arms.

"Daddy I can feel them coming." I started crying. Rosie rushed back in the house and grabbed my favorite paci. She popped in my mouth. I could feel them coming through the trees. I felt tension coming from everyone. They could sense them too now.

I looked up and saw them through the tree line. The boys began growling. I heard fallen branches crunch as the boys phased.

"Look what we have here." Aro spoke softly and it brought chills down my spine.

Author's note

I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me to 1k views. I know I don't update regularly but I'm trying. I never thought people would actually like my writing so it means a lot to me.

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