Chapter Fifteen: Ahiga

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Before you read, I am changing the legend so that Ahiga killed Winona and her mate, she did not kill herself. I hope you enjoy the chapter. 

"You are much smaller than I expected. Very childlike."
"Where am I?"

"You are in the spiritual realm. I have brought you here because I cannot let you go any further."

"What are you talking about?"

"Elena, I know Winona has spoken to you. I had to kill my own blood because I could not let her fulfill her purpose. I should have stopped you sooner, I already let you go too far. I wish things could be different but our species are not meant to be together. We are enemies for a reason and it needs to stay that way. This can go one of two ways. I can either let you go if you promise to choose. You have to choose between your two families and leave the other behind. You cannot continue to be a part of both. If you do not choose, I will have to kill you. I will make it fast though you won't have to suffer. I won't hesitate either. I killed my sister and it was the hardest thing I had to do but it was necessary and I won't hesitate to give you the same fate. I will let you go. I am giving you two weeks to decide. When your time is up I will visit you again."

When he finished talking he just disappeared and then I could hear everyone panicking. I shot up with a loud gasp. "She's awake!"

"You guys can stop freaking out now. I am perfectly fine."

"You say that but your body was overheating and you started seizing. Elena, what happened?"

"Well, everyone should get together so I can tell you and you're not going to like what I have to say." Grandpa's face fell as I spoke almost like he could sense my emotions.

"Well that means I am going to have to take you home because the wolves will not want our whole family over here. Let me go speak to Sam. Will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me." I gave him a small smile as he walked out of the room. This is going to be very bad, I already know. How am I supposed to choose between my families? The wolves have been there for me since I was born, before they were even wolves. And then there are the Cullens, I'm daddy's mate I can't leave him. It would kill both of us. The physical pain would be too much for me to take. I need to find a way to stop Ahiga or convince him that this is not a bad thing.

"Time to go sweetheart. The wolves are going to follow us home and the rest of our family is already waiting. Your daddy is very worried about you."

"I know, what I have to tell you is not going to help ease anyone's worries. I can walk, little Ellie is gone right now."

"I figured but regardless of which Ellie I am speaking to I am not sure if it is safe for you to be walking. Less than ten minutes ago you were seizing pretty harshly. I am going to carry you for now because it is a far walk and we can get home much faster."

"Okay, you are the doctor." I allowed him to pick me up bridal style. He began running out of the house, the pack was already waiting in wolf form. They followed us as grandpa ran through the trees. They phased into their human forms as we reached the house. As we entered the house I felt an overwhelming sense of worry. How am I supposed to explain this to them?

Grandpa handed me to Jazzy who placed me in his lap. He immediately began nuzzling his face into my neck. "Hey, I'm okay Jazzy. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"You keep saying that and then you do leave even if it is not physically." I couldn't argue he had a point. I can't imagine how scary it must be for everyone else when I disappear like that. They have no way to know what is happening or when I will come back.

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