Chapter Two: Isabella returns

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I didn't go to the airport with dad to pickup Bella, instead I am at the Cullen's house spending time with daddy.  "Daddy, why can't I just live here? I have a playroom and a nursery and you guys all love me. It's not fair Isabella is a meanie and she calls me a freak!"

"Use your inside voice and stop whining."

"But da-" he gave me the look so I knew it was time to be quiet.

"Jasper, I think if I talk to Charlie I can convince him to let Elena stay with us. I think that would be the best option. We can make sure she is safe and taken care of. Also it would be a bonus for you two because you can spend more time with each other." I started giving daddy my puppy dog eyes as Carlisle spoke. 

I scooted closer to him on the couch, and began whispering in his ear. "Please, I'll be good. I promise."

"Carlisle, are you sure Charlie would be okay with that?" 

"I don't think it will be very hard, he just wants her to be happy, and you do that. We all do, he already knows how Isabella treats her, I think he would find comfort knowing that she is safe and taken care of." Daddy nodded his head as Carlisle spoke. 

"I will call him now." 

"Daddy, I can stay?" 

" Carlisle's calling your dad now." I nodded my head and snuggled into him. 

"Ellie! Wanna go for a run?"

"Emmy! Daddy can I go?!" 

"Yes you can baby, make sure you listen to Emmett and stay close to him." 

"I always do daddy. Is Rosie coming?" 

"She's already at the field." 

"I love you daddy see you later." I kissed daddy's cheek and hopped off the couch. Emmy crouched down so I could climb on his back. 

"Ready princess?" 

I giggled, "yes uncle Emmy." With one final wave to daddy, uncle Emmy took off through the big open window. I giggled as he  jumped on the trees. When we finally reached our field I saw auntie Rosie. "Uncle Emmy can you put me down?"

"I think that can be arranged." He set me down. 

"Rosie! You made a picnic!" 

"Just for you princess. So you might be moving in?" 

"Yeah, grandpa Carlisle is asking my dad." 

"Are you excited? Yeah, I don't want to live with Isabella she's really mean to me." 

"Well let's not talk about her and enjoy our picnic." 

Auntie Rosie made peanut butter and banana sandwiches. They were cut to look like hearts. She packed strawberries dipped in chocolate knowing that they were my favorite.

"Auntie Rosie, is there anything to drink?"

"Yes there is, sorry princess." She booped my nose then turned around towards the picnic basket. When she turned back around she handed me a sippy cup full of strawberry milk, my favorite.

"Tank you Rosie." I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Rose is it just me or does she get cuter everyday?"

"It's not just you."

"Ellie, you know that we love you and would never let anyone hurt you. And I mean anyone."

"I know uncle Emmy. You're my big teddy bear and you'll always protect me." He smiled his big goofy grin while I spoke.

"Can I go pick flowers?"

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