Schemes and Screams (Part 1/5)

Start from the beginning

His plan was to trap himself in his lair alone until he came to his senses due to a lack of prey. 

He sat down at his food dish and waited. After about an hour or so, he heard it.

The bell.

That was his usual cue for his running cycle. When the bell rings, it means that he gets to run around and eat the intruders. It was his favorite part about the hunt.

But not tonight. Tonight he would stay put until this passed over. 

Just as he thought that, he could feel the instincts taking over. He couldn't hold it back anymore.

He could feel his scales grow harder and feel the rush of adrenaline in his blood.

His teeth sharpened and he let out a low-pitched, threatening growl at no one in particular. 

It was time to eat the trespassers! They had to pay for what they did...

P!Orange hopped up and looked at his empty food dish. 

As expected, they had forgotten to feed him again. 

He felt a surge of wild anger run through him. He would make them remember to feed him. And while he was out, he could settle for a nice snack too.

He bolted towards the entrance at a frightening speed, only to crash into something hard. 

He looked up, confused as to what could be there, only to see a massive pile of rocks in the way.

Who could have put these here? 

He leapt to his feet and began thrusting himself against the rocks.! Who would keep him from his food? From his hunt?

Who could have done this?

P!Orange didn't bother to try and figure it out. All that mattered was getting out. 

He had to eat. He was so hungry. They forgot to feed him, they kept...

He shook his head as he slammed it against the rocks again. He felt himself growing dizzy after multiple attempts of slamming his head against the rocks.

Orange continued to pound at the rocks, but his attempts were all fruitless.

After a particularly hard slam, his vision started to swim. He lay down and held his claws against his head, confused, mad, and oh so hungry.

He didn't know how long he lay there.

Maybe he had fallen asleep, he wasn't sure. But he suddenly felt the hunger receding. 

The darkness faded from the corners of his vision, and he suddenly felt much calmer.

He continued to lay there. As he did, he realized that he hadn't moved in a while. 

He lifted his head up, then realized that he had barely even remembered what had happened.

Orange looked around, feeling like his normal self again. 

He sat up, and realized that he was still in his own cave, which meant that his plan had worked! He had managed to turn himself back.

He stood up and looked at the big pile of rocks in the entrance. 

He walked over and began trying to shove them out of the way. Surely his friends were wondering where he was? 

But as he pushed and pushed, he found that they would not budge.

That was when Orange realized the one flaw in his plan. Now he was stuck in his own cave!

He stepped back in thought. He knew his friends could help him get out, but he didn't know how long it would be before they found him.

Orange began to pace around his cave, growing anxious as the minutes ticked by. 

Nothing happened, no one moved the rocks out of the way.

Eventually Orange decided that enough was enough. 

When his mind was finally clear enough to think straight, he looked around until he saw the ventilation shaft on the wall of his cave.

He brightened up as he saw it. He could use it to escape his cave. Then he could get the other Rainbow Friends to clear the path with him from the outside.

He assumed that it was safe enough. The hunt was probably over by now anyways.

He climbed up the wall, using the little crags in the stone to pull himself up.

Orange ripped open the vent and tossed the bars away. He climbed inside without a second thought, excited to tell his friends about his newfound progress with his control.

Once he was inside the vent, he saw the small corridors that Purple would usually roam, but didn't know where another exit could be. 

He decided that he would crawl around until he found Purple or one of the vent exits.

He used his small body to scamper through the vents, though not very gracefully at all. 

He couldn't see well and kept hearing weird sounds coming from the outside of the vent. Orange really didn't appreciate the vibrations he kept feeling under his feet either.

He was wandering his way through the vents, still trying to find a way out, crawling through the seemingly endless tunnel, when he felt the vibrations get louder. 

It began to feel like shaking, and that's when he heard it.

The heavy banging of metal. Inside the vent.

Orange quickly turned around, expecting to see his shy little Purple friend who always dwelled in the vents. As he whipped around he did not quite expect what he saw.

It was indeed Purple. But they were not quite so shy. Or little.

This Purple had big, empty eyes, clawed hands, and his skin seemed to drip like Purple goo when he shifted.

Apparently the hunt was not over yet.

It was Predator Purple. 


And that's a wrap for today. I hope you're liking the story so far, and have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: Schemes and Screams (Part 2/5)

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