"It kinda was...P'Kim loved them too much..." Porchay blushed at the simple memory of his lover.

Some pain grew on Porsche's face who pulled Porchay in his arms, making him sit on his lap, like they did when he was five years old. And he just hugged him tightly again, both staying in silence, the one they had a hard time to break.

It was near the cookie time and them taking their usual place in the sofa that they could open their mouths, Porchay immediately crawling closer, until his brother just took his hands in his own with an understanding smile.

"I think...that you have things to ask..." He mostly whispered.

"A lot..but you too?"

"I do...but it might be better if I hear you this time?...I know that you are still angry with me..."

"I do! I can't believe that I already forgave you for abandoning me..."

"I didn't Chay!"

"You did! Just with some paper on a creepy morning...and I know looking at your face that you didn't even realise this..." Porchay sighed.

"I guess...I don't know, I thought that it was the bestest way...and I guess that I am so used to making decisions for us that...I didn't realise yes..."

"Oh, so you already thought about it a little?" Porchay asked, mischievous.

"I did...Chay, don't react as if I was never thinking!" He laughed, pulling on his hands to make him move in a discomfort way but Porchay just laughed more.

"Hia...you are just...more in action than thoughts, but it often saves us..." He added with a soft smile, he had already forgiven him, he couldn't believe this.

"Maybe...I am sorry Chay, sorry that you felt it like this...I really thought it was best to protect you..."

"Another way too fast thought! Hia! You are working for the whole mafia, if they want to attack you or whatever, you not being in contact with me wouldn't have changed anything, on all official papers we are related..." Porchay pouted and Porsche's face made a realisation. He didn't see it like this, his actions made less sense now.

"I...didn't think like this..I really...messed up..."

"You did...but I still love you." Porchay squeezed his hands and Porsche pulled him into a tight hug. He caressed his back and pulled away. His brother was already so different, he got so much confidence. It was such an awful move but maybe, and Porsche wouldn't be proud of this, but maybe being far away had allowed Porchay to not totally depend on his brother, to be obligated to act and to be himself. Porsche knew that he always had been a sunshine to also cheer on him. And it might be a reality that now Porchay embraced his own personality, being a sunshine but a sunshine whose rays wouldn't always blind them, because he was human too.


"Wait! You need to talk about Phi Kinn before ! It all began because of this old man!"

"Old man? Chay!"

"He shouldn't have strangled you..." His face showed worries and sadness and Porsche understood. He knew that Porchay had the same ideal as him, protecting each other.

I know...I know Chay...it didn't begin well...it was really complicated...you know I even thought about just disappearing in a hole..."

"Hia...what did he do?" Porchay asked firmly.

"It's- it's okay...I forgave him..." Porsche answered, his emotions starting to kick. His heart racing and feeling hot from all what he thought he had dealt with but which was still shaking unstable suddenly.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now