CHAPTER 17: Toujours l'Insomnie

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That night Alexis could not sleep. After his father had joined him on the way out of the Vintage Usine, the boy had asked him if the name "Helix" reminded him of anything; his answer had stuck in his mind so much that it had replaced all other thoughts:

<<Helix is in the upper echelons of the Usine, a director of something I can't think of now. They say he is sent by the director himself from time to time to contact some lucky few, but those are just stories. Why do you ask? >>

Of course, Alexis had not explained to him the reason for his question, let alone told him about his meeting just before. So he was left once again alone in his bed, processing thoughts that he would never share with anyone. He stopped only when he realized it was too late, closed his eyes, and decided he would go to his appointment without letting his parents know. Soon he fell asleep under the veiled gaze of the future.

The next morning he rose as usual at dawn, but followed his routine with a different spirit; with a different motivation. He crossed the main road, reached the factory and then his father's apartment within the walls of the Usine; waited for him to get ready, and accompanied him to mark his presence. Then, he ran to perform his duties as quickly as possible. That day, seconds passed differently.

The father noticed his son's agitation, and assumed it was because of one of his usual confrontations with his mother; therefore, he found it more appropriate to give him time to assimilate.

At one point, the thrill of the main clock sounded twelve times. Alexis had a spasm and dropped the screwdriver with which he was fixing a roller.

<<Son, are you alright today? Can I help you? >> his father asked him. He gave him a false reassuring look.

"Don't worry, dad. I just didn't sleep well last night because of the cold. Maybe I'd better go for a walk to get some air."

The man did not seem too convinced by that answer, but greeted him anyway and recommended that he not be late. After that, Alexis left the room and ran to the bathroom, where he had left his backpack with a change of clothes in a locker: he replaced the greasy shirt with a well-ironed linen one, and the workman's pants with the striped ones from important occasions. The process took a few seconds, and the boy stowed the backpack with the work clothes inside in another locker; then he crossed the main hall, trying not to attract too much attention, until he reached the service exit.

Helix was already there, dressed in the same way as the previous evening, his eyes probing the masses of people passing in the distance. As soon as he saw Alexis, his eyes lit up with anticipation.

<<Good morning, boy. I am glad to see that you finally accepted my proposal.>>

"Yes Mr. Helix, sir."

<<Don't be so formal, you can even call me by my first name. What do you say, shall we take a walk?>>

The man waited for Alexis to join him, and they walked out of the Usine, moving away from the facility to walk down some streets with a better view. When they found a wide, tree-lined one, they chose to stay and talk there. Small apartments overlooked the scene, like cardboard elements of a theater; on the asphalt, cars passed shyly, unnoticed. Nothing could disturb them.

Helix pressed his fingers to his temples and hinted a laugh.

<<You know boy, every day... insomnia. It's become a constant companion now. I can't sleep a wink since I was given this assignment; not to mention the protests. Too much responsibility for an honest worker like me.>>

Alexis looked at him hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, but is this about me? Am I responsible for this concern?"

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