Chapter 3 - Dinner

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Emmaline will answer tomorrow so we can have something to eat in a restaurant tonight and maybe invite a few drivers so I can get to know them too. Pierre asks Emmaline which drivers would you like to get to know in advance. Emmaline I would like to get to know Yuki, Daniel, Carlos, Charles, Lando. But Max and Nyck can also come because then I already know a few people. Pierre says then I will call everyone if you want to call Nyck and Max so they know where to come. Emmaline answers that I will and when you have finished calling we can have a chat because I have to tell you something before we start so that you can always look for another performance coach if you still don't think it is a good idea.

Pierre walks to his bedroom and calls the boys to ask if they would like to have dinner with him and his new performance coach, meanwhile Emmaline calls Max and Nyck to ask if they want to have something to eat with her, Pierre and a few others. . When Pierre has finished calling, he returns to the living room where Emmaline has just finished calling Max and Nyck. Pierre asks Emmaline what she wants to say. Emmaline tells the whole story to Pierre, that she is afraid of having panic attacks, that she is afraid that it will affect her work. Pierre listens to Emmaline's story and when she has finished telling it, she asks Pierre if he wants to continue with Emmaline.

Pierre answers that it doesn't matter and that he will keep a close eye on Emmaline so that she doesn't have panic attacks. Emmaline is very happy that he does not want a new performance coach. Pierre asks Emmaline why she was afraid that he would want someone else because he didn't call Nyck for nothing to ask if he wanted to become her performance coach. Emmaline answers that because I have PTSD, I suffer from panic attacks and I can't control my panic attacks when I get them. Pierre listens to her answer and responds that he understands, he will support her every step and if Emmaline feels a panic attack coming, he will tell Pierre so he can help Emmaline.

Pierre asks if they are going to eat because the rest will already be waiting for them. Emmaline goes to check her makeup in the bathroom before they go. Pierre is already waiting for Emmaline when she has finished checking her make-up and they walk to the car. At the car, Pierre holds the door open for Emmaline so she can get in on the passenger side. Together they drive to the restaurant where the rest are already waiting for them. Pierre opens the door for Emmaline, she wants to get out but then she sees a hand reaching out to help her get out, she grabs the hand and when she gets out she looks into a pair of dark brown eyes. She recognizes the eyes of the person who helped her get out, he introduces himself as Carlos Sainz driver for Scuderia Ferrari. Emmaline and Carlos pause for a moment and look at each other. Nyck sees and calls to them if they are still coming.

As a result, they are forced to break contact. Emmaline and Carlos walk to the rest where Emmaline introduces herself to the rest of the drivers. Emmaline gives Max and Nyck a hug and tells them that she talked to Pierre about her PTSD and panic attacks. Nyck asks Emmaline if Pierre understands and Emmaline tells Nyck and Max that Pierre understands. They all walk to the table where they order food. Everyone has a nice chat with each other, but Emmaline can't keep her eyes off Carlos, but that also applies to Carlos, who can't keep his eyes off Emmaline. While everyone is talking to each other, a driver sits next to Emmaline and introduces himself as Lando Norris driver for McLaren. Emmaline and Lando have a nice chat about everything, such as where Emmaline comes from and why she is Pierre's performance coach and where Pyry has gone.

While they are chatting, Carlos comes and sits next to them. What scares her, at that moment Emmaline goes to the toilet. Carlos asks Lando where Emmaline is going, Lando tells Carlos that she is probably going to the toilet. Meanwhile in the toilet, Emmaline has a panic attack, Emmaline cannot control her panic attack so she sends a text to both Max and Nyck asking if they can come to the toilet. The app says help panic attack and a tear emoticon. Max and Nyck excuse themselves to the group, walk to the toilet together and knock on the door so that Emmaline knows that they are waiting on the other side of the door, open the door while crying. Max walks to Emmaline and gives Emmaline a hug, let Emmaline cry for a while.

When Emmaline has finished crying, Nyck asks Emmaline what triggered the panic attack. Emmaline explains that she was talking to Lando, that Carlos suddenly came to sit with them so she suddenly became very nervous, while she was on the way to the toilet the panic attack started. Nyck and Max listen to Emmaline, meanwhile Pierre walks up to them because he thought they were staying away for a very long time. Pierre asks them what is going on. Max and Nyck want to explain, but Emmaline nods to the boys and says that she will explain it to Pierre herself and asks the boys if they can leave Pierre and Emmaline alone for a while. The boys return to the group and leave Pierre and Emmaline alone so they can talk about what happened.

Pierre asks Emmaline what happened. Emmaline explains to Pierre that she was talking to Lando and suddenly Carlos came to sit with them and Emmaline suddenly became nervous and that she felt that she was almost having a panic attack because she felt it coming, she went to the toilet and sent them a text to Max and Nyck, who luckily came right away. Pierre listens and asks why she suddenly became nervous when Carlos came to sit with her and Lando. Emmaline explains to Pierre that she has a crush on Carlos and that is why she suddenly became nervous when he came to sit with Lando and her. Pierre says that she doesn't have to be nervous about that because Carlos couldn't take his eyes off of it, according to Pierre. Emmaline says are you really serious or are you just joking.

Pierre answers that he is not joking and that he has seen it too. Emmaline answers I hope I don't have another panic attack around him. Pierre asks Emmaline if they can go back to the rest. Emmaline answers that they can go back, but she asks Pierre not to tell the rest and that she wants to see if something can work out with Carlos. Pierre extends his pinky to Emmaline, they make a pinky promise. They walk back to the group together, Max and Nyck walk to Emmaline and ask her if she is okay again. Emmaline answers that things are going well again and she sits between Lando and Carlos. Carlos and Lando ask Emmaline why it took so long. Emmaline answers that she will explain it again, but that they don't have to worry.

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