Chapter 1- Emmaline

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Emmaline is training with a client when her brother Nyck enters the gym. He calls Emmaline, Emmaline looks up and walks towards her brother. Emmaline asks what is so urgent that he has to disturb her while she is busy with a client. He asks if they can talk somewhere quiet. They walk to an empty office. Emmaline asks Nyck what is going on now. Nyck tells Emmaline that Pierre called him to say that Pyry has to temporarily stop training and supervising Pierre due to family problems. So Pierre asked me if you would like to be his performance coach for the rest of the season.

I told Pierre I would discuss it with you. Emmaline asks Nyck why he wants her as a performance coach, I am just a simple performance coach in the Netherlands and not at all as good as Pyry. Nyck tells Emmaline that she is really selling herself short, you were also my performance coach for my current coach. You're just as good as Pyry, so what are you going to do. Emmaline asks Nyck when Pierre wants to know. Nyck says as soon as possible, but Pierre also said that you have to think about it carefully.

Emmaline says then I want to think about it and talk about it with Max if that's okay with you. Nyck says take some time to think about it and let me know when you have decided something. But don't forget if you do this, many doors will open for you. Nyck gives Emmaline a hug and runs off again. Emmaline goes back to her client to finish the program, 1 hour later Emmaline has finished with her client. Emmaline is going to get changed. When she has finished changing, she calls Max.

Max answers Emmaline and asks if he has time to have a drink with her. Max says of course something is going on. Emmaline says she doesn't want to explain it over the phone. Max says I'll send you the location in an app. After Max and Emmaline hang up, she receives a text from Max with the location of the café. Half an hour later, Emmaline arrives at the café. Emmaline walks into the cafe to where Max is waiting for her. Max stands up and gives Emmaline a hug. Emmaline sits down opposite Max and orders a drink. Max asks Emmaline what is going on and why she doesn't want to tell her over the phone.

Emmaline explains that Nyck received a call from Pierre with the news that Pyry is temporarily stepping down as a performance coach due to... family problems and Pierre wants Emmaline to become his performance coach for the rest of the season. Max listens after it and Emmaline asks Max what she should do now. Max tells Emmaline you have to do what your heart tells you. Emmaline tells Max that she is afraid because she has PTSD and that she is afraid of the panic attacks she can get if something happens along the way or if something goes wrong. Max says that Emmaline shouldn't worry about it because he and Nyck are always nearby.

Emmaline says what if I'm not good enough or everyone looks at me because I'm a woman. Max says don't worry about it. Pierre didn't call Nyck for nothing because he wants you to become his performance coach. You are really good at what you do. Emmaline and Max talk for another hour and then go to pay. After paying, Max asks Emmaline what she is going to do. Emmaline says she accepts Pierre's offer. Emmaline says goodbye to Max and drives home. When Emmaline is home she calls Nyck and says she accepts Pierre's offer. Nyck tells Emmaline that he is going to call Pierre with the good news and immediately give her number.

Emmaline tells Nyck that she is afraid of panic attacks because she will be in a new environment and will be traveling a lot. Nyck tells Emmaline not to worry about it, but she should tell Pierre so he is prepared and can help Emmaline if necessary. Nyck and Emmaline chat a bit on the phone and then hang up. When Emmaline hangs up, she starts eating. Emmaline makes pasta with broccoli, cauliflower, diced ham and a cream sauce. Once Emmaline has put the food in the oven, she relaxes on the couch. 30 minutes later the food is ready. Emmaline takes food out of the oven and serves it to herself. Emmaline sits down on the couch, turns on the TV, goes to Netflix and starts Drive to Survive so that she can keep up to date with what has happened on the grid in recent years.

While Emmaline is watching DtS, she receives a call from a number that starts with +33. Emmaline answers and finds out that it is Pierre calling her. Pierre asks if this is Emmaline because he received this number from Nyck. Emmaline says yes, you are speaking to her, I was expecting a call from you. Pierre asks Emmaline if she has been able to arrange everything at work so that she can become Pierre's performance coach.Emmaline says that she has arranged everything and asks Pierre when she should come to him, so that they can discuss everything, including what they expect from each other during the collaboration.

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