Chapter 2- Emmaline/Pierre

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Pierre asks Emmaline if she can catch a plane to Milan on Tuesday, September 6, so that they can discuss everything. Emmaline says that's fine, then I'll make sure I book a plane ticket for Monday to Tuesday night and arrange transportation from the airport to the hotel. Pierre tells Emmaline not to be so strange and that he will arrange everything and wait for her at the airport and that she does not have to go to a hotel but can sleep in his house. Emmaline is very flattered by the offer and asks if Pierre has enough room for her to sleep there. Pierre says he has a very large house with enough rooms so there is certainly room for it.

Emmaline answers okay, that's good, but you shouldn't feel forced because I can also sleep in a hotel. Pierre insists that she stay at his house because that is also easier in terms of training. Emmaline and Pierre talk a bit on the phone about how he emails a ticket to Emmaline and when she leaves from Schiphol and when she arrives in Milan. When Emmaline and Pierre hang up, she continues watching DTS and goes to sleep. The next day when Emmaline wakes up, she packs her suitcase and makes a list of things she should definitely not forget.

Once she has packed her suitcase, she calls Nyck. Nyck asks Emmaline if something is going on and Emmaline answers that she has to be in Monaco on September 5 because she has arranged to meet Pierre. Nyck answers so what is the problem now. Emmaline answers that she is very nervous and afraid that she will have a panic attack while staying with Pierre. Nyck answers, wait a minute, are you staying at Pierre's house and Emmaline, yes, because that is the easiest with training, etc. Nyck answers okay, but you don't have to be nervous, I have the same flight because Toto has called if I want to come just to be sure, because then I do a free practice or stand in reserve in case one of the drivers drops out.

Emmaline is now a lot calmer now that she knows she doesn't have to fly alone, but she does ask Nyck if she should take the stuff with her until the end of the season. Nyck answers that I would because Pyry won't come back before the end is over, that's what Pierre told me. Emmaline answers then I better pack a suitcase, because I thought it would only be for a few races. Nyck and Emmaline talk on the phone for a while. Emmaline goes to pack another suitcase after she hangs up with Nyck. After Emmaline packs the suitcase, she turns on the television and starts Netflix so she can watch the rest of the seasons of DTS so she's caught up when she leaves for Milan the next evening.

When she has finished watching, she texts Max that she is nervous but really looking forward to it. Max answers that she doesn't have to be nervous because he is nearby, so if there is anything she can always come to him. When Emmaline has finished texting Max, she also texts Nyck to ask what time they will meet at Schiphol so that they can leave home on time the next day. Nyck says that she has to be at Schiphol around 2:00 am because the flight leaves at 2:30 am. Emmaline texts back to Nyck and I make sure I am at Schiphol. We meet at the entrance so that we can walk to the gate together. Nyck answers yes, that's good, then I'm going to sleep now, otherwise it won't be okay tomorrow.

Emmaline replies with a laughing emoticon and types that she is also going to sleep. The next day Emmaline wakes up and does some things in the house such as vacuuming, mopping and washing so that everything is clean. After Emmaline has finished cleaning, she will make food for herself, then she will work out a training program and nutrition program for Pierre because she doesn't know if Pyry has done that. Once she has worked out the programs, she also prints them out so that she is well prepared for her meeting with Pierre. Emmaline is going to train a bit at the gym before it's time to go to Schiphol to start a new adventure. Emmaline arrives at Schiphol at 2:00 am where Nyck is already waiting for her.

Emmaline and Nyck give each other a hug and walk together to the gate and Max is waiting for them there. Emmaline asks Nyck did you know Max was coming and Nyck answers no, I didn't know this. They walk to Max and asks what he is doing here. Max answers, you don't think I'm going to let you and your brother fly to Milan on a regular flight. Emmaline shows her ticket to Max and Max answers, take a good look at which plane you are flying with. Emmaline looks at her ticket and only now sees what it says and has to laugh that Pierre is so sneaky. Max takes the Emmaline suitcase and the three of them walk towards the gate where Max's jet is waiting.

Emmaline quickly sends a message to Pierre that they are leaving now and that she thinks it is very sweet of him for Max tos end. Pierre answers: I want you to arrive in Milan in style and I will make sure I am at the airport in Milan in 1.5 hours to pick you up. 1.5 hours later Max, Nyck and Emmaline arrive in Monaco and as promised Pierre is waiting for Emmaline. Emmaline, Max and Nyck walk towards Pierre. Emmaline gives Max and Nyck a hug, Emmaline wants to put the suitcases in the back of the car, but Pierre does not let that happen and leaves the suitcases in himself. Emmaline gets into the passenger side of the car, opens the window and waves to Max and Nyck again.

Pierre also gets in and then they drive to Pierre's house. When they arrive at Pierre's house in Monza, Emmaline and Pierre get out, Emmaline wants to walk to the back of the car to take out the suitcases, but Pierre beats her to it and takes them out beforehand. Emmaline and Pierre walk to the front door, Pierre opens the door for her. Emmaline walks in and tells Pierre he has a nice house. Pierre shows Emmaline her bedroom and bathroom and tells her she can unpack her suitcases at her leisure. Once Emmaline has unpacked her suitcases, she goes downstairs with the programs she has already prepared for Pierre, where Pierre is waiting for her.

Emmaline asks Pierre what he wants to do now. Pierre answers, I think we better go to sleep for a while. Emmaline answers that she thinks that is a good idea. Pierre and Emmaline wish each other goodnight and each go to their own room to get some sleep. After a few hours of sleep, Emmaline is awakened by a knock on the door and Pierre asks if she is awake yet. Emmaline answers that she is awake and that she is going to get dressed. Once Emmaline has dressed, she walks downstairs where she sees that breakfast is waiting. Emmaline asks Pierre who prepared this and Pierre answers that he prepared it. Emmaline replies that it is very sweet of him. After breakfast, Pierre asks Emmaline if she has prepared anything yet. Emmaline says yes, I have already prepared a training program and also a nutrition program, so if you would like to read through it.

Pierre takes over the programs from Emmaline and reads them. Pierre asks Emmaline when she prepared this. Emmaline says she did this 2 days before she came to Monaco by plane. Pierre is impressed that she prepared it as quickly as possible. Pierre asks Emmaline when she wants to start the training program.

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