"Wake up, asshole!" firmly declared, administering a sharp slap across his countenance.

"W-where am I?" he inquired, his speech slightly slurred due to his intoxicated state.

"Where's the money you owe me?" I bellowed, causing him to flinch involuntarily at the intensity of my words.

"I um... give me some more time and I'll get it, I swear!" he pleaded with earnestness in his voice.

"Tell me something I haven't heard yet. Why should I trust you? You don't go around joking about finding my mother, you asshole! I should just kill you!" I stated assertively.

The man's eyes widened as Niran removed a firearm from its holster, and extended it towards me. In a reciprocal gesture, I reached into my attire and retrieved my jacket, tendering it to Niran.

"Wait, wait!" he cried out desperately.

"Are you begging for mercy now?" I asked, as a sly grin appeared on my face.

He pleaded desperately, his head shaking. "Please... please spare me! I didn't mean to lie to you. I needed the m-money... I-I'm s-sorry. Please d-don't k-kill me..."

I directed my attention to Niran and inquired, "Does he have a family?"

Niran responded with a negative shake of his head. "No, sir. It appears that he is a compulsive gambler. Our operatives discovered him in close proximity to a local bar."

Without hesitation, I conveyed my decision in a firm and resolute tone. "Finish him off, then."

As the words left my lips, echoing with finality, the gravity of the situation settled heavily upon the room. With a commanding presence, I demonstrated my unwavering commitment to the code of conduct we had established, reminding those present of the consequences for betraying our trust.

The man's pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears as he desperately begged for his life. His quivering voice reverberated through the room, filled with regret and fear. His stuttered apologies punctuated by trembling words intensified the desperation in his voice.

The gunshots resonated in the room and without any reaction, I found myself splattered with blood. The old man's voice faded away with his last breath. It was a fitting end for that detestable individual. He had been nothing more than a burden to this world.

Niran efficiently handed me a bottle of mineral water, allowing me to clean the blood from my face. I observed the lifeless body in front of me, acknowledging the need for secrecy. "Nobody should hear about this."

Acknowledging my instructions, Niran nodded. "I understand, sir. I will procure a replacement shirt for you."

I gave a brief nod and discarded the plastic container into a nearby bin. Exiting the basement expediently, I entered a meticulously organized office space. Taking a seat by the entrance, I awaited Niran's return. After approximately ten minutes, he reappeared, presenting me with a plain black shirt before departing once more. Swiftly changing into the fresh attire, I retrieved my jacket and prepared to depart.


"Whose funeral is it?" Joss inquired as I stepped out of the car near the front yard. I acknowledged my chauffeur with a nod, and he proceeded towards the parking area.

Casually glancing around the parking lot, I replied, "I haven't decided yet."

Joss chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You seem unable to take a joke, don't you?"

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