8-The Memory Lane

335 26 4

"I waited, as if the sea could make
my decision for me."
-Sylvia Plath


The waiting area was furnished with couches and tables, and stocked with piles of fashion and hairstyle magazines. Glass shelving displayed various products available for purchase, including jewelry and hair accessories. The walls were adorned with posters displaying models showcasing designer haircuts.

The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of water splashing into sinks, hair dryers blowing, and the snipping of scissors. Pleasant music provided a background melody. It was another prosperous day at our renowned establishment, the esteemed 'Vihokratana Salon and Spa.'

The shop had closed its doors for the day, rendering it completely empty. Only our family members were present, gathered around the luxurious hydraulic salon chairs. The three of us, brothers, sat facing the expansive mirrors before us. Gemini occupied the furthest chair, Joss sat in the middle, and I resided at the opposite end. Adjusting my head slightly, I observed my surroundings.

Joss had his eyes gently shut, while Gemini gazed ahead without a flutter of his eyelashes. His facial expression conveyed deep contemplation. I wondered what occupied his thoughts. Gemini had always been an enigma to me, much like my pale-skinned fiancé. Since childhood, Gemini and I had never seen eye-to-eye. We bickered incessantly over trivial matters and never seemed to find common ground.

The main cause of our disputes was the competition for parental attention. This dynamic has persisted since the beginning. When Gemini was born, I was only seven years old. He was a quieter and less talkative individual, generally leaning towards shyness. Nevertheless, our parents still showered him with excessive pampering.

Whenever there were any events or occasions to attend, Gemini effortlessly received permission to stay at home. However, Joss and I weren't granted the same leniency. We were always obligated to socialize and participate in various functions, even when we were physically and mentally exhausted.

I, on the other hand, managed to handle these obligations, as if I were trained to be the ideal heir of the Vihokratana Family. Being the firstborn, I never had the opportunity to live life as I desired. I was never even granted the freedom to voice my complaints. Others often remarked that I was exceedingly mature for my age. On the contrary, Gemini had the freedom he desired, effortlessly acquired without even asking for it. It is quite astounding how poorly our parents executed their parenting responsibilities. However, I refused to let them ruin Joss's life as well. That is why I allowed him to pursue his passions. Basketball being one of those. I treated him with indulgence.

Despite the circumstances, I did not harbor any hatred towards Gemini. The concept of hating him never crossed my mind. He was kind to everyone. Regrettably, I am uncertain when things started to deteriorate. It began when Gemini carelessly broke the new Patek Philippe watch that Mom had purchased for me.

Naturally, I became quite upset about this incident. Although Gemini had already offered his apologies to my mother, acknowledging his mistake, he had yet to extend the same courtesy to me. This fact only fueled my anger further. My mother attempted to pacify my emotions, assuring me that she would procure a replacement.

I understood that she possessed the means to acquire a substitute without difficulty. Hell, my family could easily afford to purchase numerous watches of the same caliber, if they so desired. However, the issue at hand extended beyond monetary value. It was not about the watch or its financial worth. The essence of my discontent pertained to the timing of the incident; it occurred on my eighteenth birthday, when my mother specifically presented me with such a thoughtful gift. I have always treasured the tokens of affection bestowed upon me on my birthdays.

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