I nodded, appreciating her concern. P'Mook had always been there for me, offering support and understanding. But some things were just too difficult to put into words. "I know," I reached for her hands, "-Trust me, I know that better than anyone else. You are already that someone I need in my life."

She looked at me with disbelief, but remained silent. P'Mook was someone who would never judge me or turn away, no matter the mistakes I made. Someone who loved me for who I truly am.

I hugged her tightly as she turned away from me. "Stop being upset, P'Mook! We can discuss it another day. I know how much it hurts you too. Stop pretending to be strong all the time, okay?"

P'Mook turned around and returned the embrace tightly. "I don't pretend to be strong because I'm already strong. I could punch your beautiful face right now. Do you want me to?"

I chuckled at her remark, "I know I'm beautiful, don't be jealous."

She was laughing too, "Stop it, idiot."

We released each other after what felt like an eternity. I yearned for that warmth once more.

P'Mook gently pushed me from behind towards the connected bathroom. "If you wish to freshen up, go ahead. We will dine together like we used to. Go, go, go!"

I nodded and closed the door firmly. Leaning against it, I took a deep breath. This was the moment. I had to converse with P'Mook. Judging by the circumstances, I was certain that P'Mook was already aware of the situation. She had undoubtedly come here to discuss it with me.

I composed myself and quickly freshened up. When I opened the door, P'Mook was already setting the table with another set of food.

She looked at me and smiled, "C'mon, let's eat."

I nodded and sat down opposite to P'Mook. We ate breakfast together in silence, the only sound filling the room was the occasional clinking of cutlery against the plates. P'Mook tried to initiate small talk, asking about my plans for the day, but I gave short, vague answers. My mind was preoccupied, replaying the haunting images from the dream.

After breakfast, P'Mook cleared the table and insisted on helping me with my chores. I appreciated her help. But deep down, I knew that the only way to find peace was to confront my feelings head-on.

"P'Mook, I know why you're here. I want to talk about this whole thing with you. But not now. Let's talk in the evening. I have to meet Earth, for now."

P'Mook let out a sigh and replied, "Okay, Newwie. I won't force you to talk to me. This is a serious matter and we have to discuss it even if you don't want to. I'm not working today, so let's talk later."

I shook my head in agreement, stating, "Yes, we'll talk about it. I'll tell you everything."

She nodded and made her way towards the exit. Suddenly, she halted and turned back to face me. "Remember, Newwie, It's us against the world. Keep this in mind, always."

I gazed at her as a tear fell down my cheek. "I know."

"Tell Earth that I said hello!"

With that, she closed the door behind her, leaving me in solitude. It's us against the world. That's what Mom used to tell us all the time. P'Mook would remember that better than anyone else. She had heard it more frequently than I.

Swiftly, I retrieved a rugby shirt and khaki pants from the wardrobe. Earth had arrived and told me to meet at the usual park. It was a fifteen minute walk from home. I'm feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

It's not in my nature to skip classes, especially on Mondays, but today is an exception. After months apart, I'm finally meeting the love of my life. My dad has given me permission to stay home, as I have to meet my fiancé later in the evening. The thought was giving me a headache. However, before that, I need to have a conversation with Earth.

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