Part 3

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Two led to four and four led to more, my head is so heavy right now but I don't regret  any part of last night. I reach for my phone and open and I'm welcomed by a video of me dancing like nobody's business and it has 1.2k views. I go to tiktok,faceook,Insta and yep I'm trending and do I care? Nop,not at all.

I go to the bathroom and sit in some herbs to calm my body down because honestly I am tired. I sit in for something like 40 minutes and I feel relaxed enough. I get out, drain my water,wrap myself with my towel amd head to my room to wear. I lotion myself with indigineous creams and I do light makeup. I wear my white with red flowers summer dress with white sandals and my red njeti cloth as a cape. Looming at the time, the family must be having lunch.  I head downstairs.

The house is so spotless and quiet. I call and no one responds,meaning I'm home alone. I grab my drum and go outside, I sit in front of my mom's flowers and start singing to my ancestors. As I'm singing I see a double bed and an albino hand (which I'm guessing it's mine) holding a male-like hand. My vision is disturbed by the hooter of my father's car by the gate,meaning they want me to open the gate for them.

(After lunch)

I am now waiting in my father's office, he called me here to tell me the reason he called me. He gets in and I stand up for him. He sits down and gives me the  sit down look and I do so. He clears his throat and looks at me in the eyes for some time. "Uhm,is everything okay,baba?" I ask him. He clears his throat and signals me to get out. I do so without asking any questions.

I go back to the garden amd continue with my singing. I see inyongo(gall bladder) and an ancestral bracelet being handed to me. Am getting married? I try to ask them but now all I see is a quietly flowing river, meaning that they are ignoring my question, yoh haike.

(Dinner time)

We were all seating on the dinner table eating, it was a bit awkward. "Baba what's going on?" I ask him, "we are eating dinner can't you see?"he replies by making a joke really now? "Baba I saw..." "Uyatjhada(you are getting married) next week!"he says firmly as if it is a command. "Ba..." I stutter. "Your father's word is final!"my mom defends him,wow that's nice. I can't deal so I just stand up and go to my bedroom.

I roll on the floor crying,I can't believe this. My mother opens the door  and sits in my bed,I get up to sit with her. "Kodwana,mina yini engike ka yi enza kini, ma weh (But what have I ever done to you guys)" I ask her, "Mina no yihlo siyakthanda, Nozi. (Your father and I love you)" she pleads. "Uthando o lu njani lo lu ma? (What kind of love is this?)". She just looks at me with an emotionless face. "Why?" I ask her. "It's just that we are in a lot of debts o kwa manje. "Oho,so mina ngi yinto yo ku ni bhadalela inkoloto zenu? (I am just a thing to pay for your debts)" I ask and she just looks at me. "Phuma (get out)"

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