Chapter 5: The Soldier

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I was just sitting there, mask on his coffee table and blanket wrapped around me. He calmed me down by making some coffee.

"You okay? You don't look so good?" He asked with his hand on my shoulder.

I explained to him what happened and he did not look too thrilled.

"Listen, son, doesn't matter what he thinks, you are a good person with a good heart, and no lab can replace that, you are your own person despite what people say," Steve said.

"But what if he's right? What if I am nothing?"

"Then he's right, your story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you for who you are, it's how you write the rest of your story."

After Dad died, I was a mess, even after the police thought I killed him. The only person who stood up for me was Steve himself, saying that despite what I had done I was a good man with a good heart. After I joined the Avengers, he would train me to become better than what I was before, Stark would too but it wasn't as good as Steve. He essentially became the father I've never had. Even now after he retired I still ask him for advice every once in a while.

He started to get dressed in his uniform and grabbed his shield.

"Whoa, what are you doing?"

"We need to have a word with Stark," Steve said. He stormed from the apartment, down the elevator, through the lobby then straight to his bike. He drove off and I followed him.

It took us a bit to get there but when we did, Steve stormed in right away.

We got to Stark's new lab and Steve did not hold back.

"Tony, are you out of your mind?" Steve yelled.

"Oh hey Steve, little busy at the moment." Tony shrugged.

Steve stormed right up to Tony and pushed him away.

"Well, you're free now, let's talk," Steve said.

"You told Justin the truth?"

"I did because he needed to hear it."

"Wait, Steve, you knew this whole time and didn't tell me?" I asked. I'm gonna be honest, I was expecting Tony and Steve to keep a lot of secrets from each other, so Tony telling Steve how I got my powers makes sense.

"I did know, but I don't think it makes you for who you are, at least someone here thinks so," Steve said.

"You want to do this? Fine." Stark said as he grabbed his repulser glove and shot at Steve. Luckily, he parried it with his shield.

Before I could even say anything, Steve and Tony started to fight. I had to do something, I needed to step in, so I did what had to be done.

Stark was roughly 30 feet from us when he fired a missile directly at us. Without skipping a beat I launched myself in the air, grabbed Steve's shield from his hands, and blocked the missile right on time. Stark then fired an array of missiles and I blocked all of them. I then flung the shield right at Stark's head, knocking him back. He surrendered, but he was silent.

"You don't tell the kid how to live his life, he does," Steve said while standing over him. Stark continued to stay silent but there was hate in his eyes.

To make sure Tony listened to us, I grabbed Steve's shield and destroyed the machine, Stark tried to pull me away but Steve held him back. It was hard to do, see Tony's dream crushed right in front of him, but it was the right thing to do to make sure the space-time continuum didn't collapse.

"Stark, you have to understand this is the best option, you know this, I can't just leave it alone, unlike what you said, I have to do it, it's the right thing to do," I told him. Steve let him go and he walked right past me and walked toward the broken-down machine. He fell to his knees grabbed a piece and just held it in place.

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