Chapter 4: The Betrayal

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"Wait, Peter Parker, like YOU'RE Peter Parker?!" I asked.

"Yes, but this is impossible you're supposed to be dead, let alone not having any spider powers!" She shouted.

"Wait, they know each other?" Niko asked.

"Long story short, Leia lost her loved one in her universe, but I guess in his universe it's switched." Jamie guessed.

"I know how this looks, but I promise I'm not the guy you once knew." 'Otto' explained. Guess I really shouldn't call him Otto, I guess I could call him Peter.

"So what the hell is this? Why are you wearing his face?" Hobie asked.

"Okay, just let me explain." He said.

So what happened was instead of Leia losing Peter, it was the other way around. Peter then went to Otto for advice on how to deal with grief but instead, he tricked him. Otto uploaded his consciousness into Peter's head and took over his body, after a while he tried being a hero... it's not working.

Leia just stayed quiet and left the room. Hobie followed her.

I then got a phone call from an unknown number, I went somewhere private and answered.


"Hi is this Justin Parker?"


"You may not remember me but my name is Gwen Stacy. A friend told me about you and I wanted to catch up with you, if you're free today then I'm more than happy to talk!"

"Oh yeah, I think I know about your "friend" but yeah I'm free! Where are you wanting to meet?"

"How about the Coffee Bean? Heard they had good lattes"

"It's a date" Wait shit "I mean not a DATE date but more like a friend date, but that sounds great, I'll be there at 6"

"See you there!"

I walked back to the room and it looked like everything calmed down. I told everyone that something came up and I needed to go.

"Andy, do you need a ride home?"

"That would be nice actually, thanks."

Me and Andy walked back out and we swung back to the apartment. We got inside and there was a box on my bed, along with the note. The note read:

"Son, I know I have been difficult today and I apologize for that, I shouldn't have been so selfish. I also wanted to apologize for everything that happened after your father died, I shouldn't have treated you like that. I know you are just doing the right thing and I'm honestly so proud of you, I'm just scared that one day you'll die in your suit and I didn't want that to happen to you, so while you were gone with Andy I dropped something off, I found a prototype of your old suit and I did my best to stitch it back up, just promise that you'll be OK wearing this, I love you." Signed... Mom. There was more writing on the back.

"P.S. I know your father would be so proud of you, the fact that you never gave up despite the circumstances. He would always say a hero is just a person who doesn't give up, that perfectly describes you. I'm so proud of the little boy who grew up to be a hero and protect everyone around you. Promise me also that no matter how many hits you take, you'll always find a way to get back up." And the letter ends there. I shed a tear just reading this. It's not that Mom didn't want me to be a hero, she was scared because she knew she couldn't always protect me and the fact that if that did happen she couldn't do anything. I wanted to look in the box, but I'll wait a minute until the time is right.

A few hours have passed and I needed to get some fresh air before the date with Gwen. I swung around and stopped some crime that was going on, I bumped into everyone separately, except Hobie and Leia.

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