Chapter 21 - World at War I

Start from the beginning

The main change was his eyes. Unlike his previous greyish brown eyes, his eyes were now glowing white while some of his previous mechanical body parts were replaced with human bodies.

As soon as Franxx saw the snake-like Klaxosaur entering the Harbor, he walked out in front of it, making the Klaxosaur lower its head in front of it and stare at Franxx. It was able to feel a very small connection to the person in front of it.

As it stared for an instant toward the Franxx, it slowly opened its mouth, making space for Ryo and Zero Two to walk out its inner mouth which was changed into that of a seat for two people.

Ryo and Zero Two released their six tails connected to the flesh of the Klaxosaur and used to walk out of the mouth. As they left, the Klaxosaur slowly closed its mouth and lowered its head, making Ryo smile and caress its face as a reward for helping him reach the Plantation.

As if feeling its work getting completed and getting satisfied with the reward, the Klaxosaur slowly left the Harbor, returning to the battlefield to kill the incoming VIRMs soldiers.

As soon as it entered the battlefield, it showed why it was one of the strongest Klaxosaur on the battlefield. It was not the Klaxosaur guarding the Klaxo-Queen for no reason.

Using its mouth, it crushed every VIRM-infected soldier and Klaxosaurs to help assist in killing the enemies on the Earth. Its streamlined body helped it swiftly move through the battlefield. It used its swift and long body and tail to kill and destroy the VIRM soldiers that were unfortunate to land their foot on the ground.

On the other hand, as soon as Ryo and Zero Two landed on the Plantation, they were eagerly welcomed by the Franxx, who led them toward their destination, the place where all the main cast including the Special Force 10-s were kept.

"Tell me, Franxx, how is the progress of the blueprint I gave you?"

Ryo examined the Golden inner city that was in front of him through the glass of the elevator. The seemingly beautiful-looking place made him feel disgusted with how much connection he was feeling from it.

"It's going on great, Omega-"

"Call me Lord Omega from now on, Franxx.", Ryo interrupted Franxx and looked at him expressionlessly, making Franxx feel a bit pressured.

The reason that Ryo did this was not arrogance. He never had any pride or arrogance. Each and every move he made had small or large meanings behind them.

The thing that he tried was that as he was able to sense the brain waves of the people around him, he was able to tell how they were feeling or what their thoughts toward him.

So when a person calls him Lord, he will be able to sense if the person in question actually respects him and sides with him, or if the person was his opponent instead.

"Ah-Yes, Lord Omega. As I reported before, we are progressing pretty quickly. I am confident enough to say that with the powers that you have bestowed me with, the product from the blueprint you gave me can be made by the end of the day, but it will take a bit more time to test out the product and it's working."

"Do not worry about the testing. I will take care of it. Just provide me with the result.", Ryo hummed as he continued looking at the Golden City.

Truth to be Ryo could have helped Franxx in the project and would have completed the product in just less than half of the time, but he didn't. First of all, he wanted to put Franxx to the test; if he was worth his effort or not.

Franxx also understood, making him give his all for the project. If he was not able to show the perfect result this very second, he knew he would be thrown away and killed.

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