9 || How Many People Can Fit In Jonah's Car?

Start from the beginning

"Bullshit," I whisper, anger rising in my chest. Vincent did this.

"Say what you want," Mason says in an unfazed and uninterested voice. "Goodbye, Josephine." 

I bite my tongue to keep from telling him to go fuck himself and quickly hang up, stepping away from the phone. My anger brings tears to my eyes and I groan softly, gritting my teeth.

Two sharp knocks at my door give me a warning, and I take a moment to collect myself before going to it and opening it. 

"Good morning," Jonah chimes, smiling for a second before he catches sight of my expression. I can only imagine it's pretty obvious I'm upset. "What happened?" 

"Vincent got me fired," I reply, and he purses his lips, eyes not leaving mine. For a moment, I think he didn't hear me, but then he nods a bit. Tears start to form in my eyes again and he quickly shakes his head, grabbing my shoulders. 

"No, no. You're not going to do that," he says firmly.

"I won't be able to pay rent," I admit, my heart sinking further and further from my chest. My arms and legs become heavy with the weight of my words and no matter how tight Jonah holds my shoulders, he can't keep me from slumping forward. 

He stays quiet for a moment, then carefully pulls me into a hug. His arms wrap around my shoulders and my head awkwardly bumps the front of his right shoulder. He chuckles instead of apologizing. The hug is surprising, but not unwelcome, and the soft laugh that escapes him calms my nerves even as the crippling pressure of my sudden lack of financial stability continues to sink in. 

"It's going to be okay," he confirms, speaking softly as my ear is right next to his mouth. "We're going to go figure these spirits out and then we're going to fix this, alright? And just so you know, I can and will convince my mom to let you stay with us until you get back on your feet, alright?" 

My heart aches as he speaks, but what he says next really crushes me. 

"You deserve to have somewhere to stay. We're not letting you back out onto the streets, okay? Especially not this close to Christmas." 

"I'm crying," I whisper, as if it's some kind of surprise that tears are leaking down my face. 

"I know, I can feel you shaking," he admits, and I can't help but laugh. "I'm about to start shaking too, it's cold as hell out here. Let's go." Even though he prompts a move to the car, he doesn't remove his arms. 

It occurs to me a moment later that he's waiting. 

"It's embarrassing that I'm being comforted by a child," I whisper, and he laughs and steps back. He holds his arms out wide, a prideful smile on his face. No matter how bright, it can't hide the tears in his eyes. 

"This child knows how to comfort people," he argues, and I can't tell him he's wrong. Instead, I shake my head, grinning a little more than I thought I would be, as I turn around to lock the door behind me. When I turn back, Jonah's in the driveway opening the passenger side door. "Come on, we've got a drive to get to." 

"Joy," I tease, walking to the car and climbing in. He opens his door as I close mine, and I quickly put my bag on the floorboard between my legs. Once he closes his door, he turns the heat up a little bit and holds his hands in front of one of the vents. 

"So, after some research, I found that the pizzeria is definitely in Mississippi," Jonah admits, turning to me. I pivot my head so I can see him and nod for him to continue. "It's in a little town called Edwards. It's somewhere between thirty minutes to an hour away from Tallulah, so not too far out of our way." 

"That's good, then," I point out, and he nods. "When we get there, we'll look for someone who knows where the pizzeria is, and then we can get to work." 

"Or—" the responding voice is not Jonah's and nearly causes me to jump out of my skin as a small notebook is passed up from the back seat— "we could go talk to the doomed security guard's mother, who still lives there." 

"Mike, you scared the shit out of me," I whisper as I glance back at his smirking face and take the notebook out of his outstretched hand. Jonah laughs to himself as I look at the address written in blue ink on the page. 

"Turns out that friend of yours is really good at finding people," Mike says with some admiration laced into his voice. I look up at him, finding a soft smile on his face as Jonah starts to back out. "I thought about what you said. And I want these nightmares to end. For me and for Abby." 

"Good," I reply quietly, still in awe of the situation. "She's— she's not back there too, is she?"

"Oh, no, of course not," Mike assures me, and Jonah does his laugh that makes me laugh and then the two of us are a giggling mess and Mike is sitting confused in the back seat. 

After a few minutes, Mike explains, "Annabeth said the mother's name is Susan Fitzgerald and her son was named Jeremy—" 

The name sounds violently familiar, so much so that I make an audible noise that Jonah picks up on. 

"What's wrong?" Jonah asks, taking a right turn I haven't made in a while. 

"That's a... that's a familiar name," I reply, but I quickly shake my head. "Continue, Mike. Sorry." 

"You're good," he assures me in passing before continuing. "As of a year ago, she worked as a librarian at the local library and lived in the same house she's been living in for over forty years." 

"Wow," I whisper. 

"Bet you can't imagine living somewhere for that long, eh?" Jonah prods, and I look away from him while I hold in a laugh. 

"That was rude," Mike mumbles, and Jonah and I both start to laugh again, this time quietly. 

"It's alright," I assure him, "Jonah's a dick." 

"Prick," he corrects, and I roll my eyes. 

(A/N: Sorry it's a shorter chapter, I'm not feeling very motivated. Next chapter might take a few days.)

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