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Lupita's POV 

Jei- sorry I've been sick lately so I haven't posted also I didn't check read so there are going to be mistakes


I noticed Pedro trying to looking to see what I was looking at so I started to draw his attention back to me by talking to him about his outfit. 

"Hey PP you look amazing!!!!!" I sreked. I started to call him PP when i was a kid. I couldn't pronounce his name so I end up giving him the nickname. He pretends to hate it but we all know he loves it.

"Dam girl you're going to make me def." He chastised me. I just laughed.

"Anyways where's the minions." I couldn't help but smile at the nicknames he give Jaden and Fatima. 

"I got craded by paparazzi and lost them ." I said cringing slightly,  knowing that some pretty bad pictures of me were going to be on the papers tomorrow.

"The vouchers can be like that sometimes." He said sadly. 

I looked behind him and saw Bella talking to Craig Mazin. Me and Bella made eye contact. The best way to describe it as if everything else didn't exist literally, and it was just us. I know it sounds cringe or clesha but it was true. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Pedro waving his hand in front of my face."Damn and I thought Bella had it bad."

"What the fuck are you talking about? "I asked. He didn't answer. 'Fucker' He grabbed my wrist and started to dragging me to them.

"Hey Craig, heyyyyy Bellie" He said, raising his eyebrows up and down. In a teasing motion 

Bella's pov

I was so close to kill Pedro. 

He just had to bring her over. The beautiful girl in question looked like a deer in head lights. She was hiding slightly behind Pedro. 

Her, the girl I just now realized was that girl I helped back a few moments ago. Just my luck. This girl is also Lupita, aka my celebrity crush seen I was 16.

"This is Lupita. " He said moving so we can see Lupita now. Softly he said "this is where you say hi Lup." "Hi" Lupita said quietly with a slight wave. 

"She's normally not as shy" Pedro said. 

"It's okay "I said. 

'Act cool, act cool, act cool' I keel telling myself. 

Lupita's POV 

Normally I'm not this shy but holy fuck I'm talking to Bella fucking Ramsey. Well technically I'm not talking since I'm trying not to have a panic attack but still counts.

I face the opposite direction from them. I start doing what he always told me to do breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 5, release for 8. I started to get calmer then I was a few moments ago.

I trun to face Bella and Craig again. I put on my normal fake smile I always gave people. It was convincing enough to treat most people, but it's hard to make it go to my eyes. My eyes has always held sadness in them, even when I was a kid. 

"Hi my name is Lupita but you already know that because this man child already told you" I said extending out my hand for them to shake. Craig shaked my hand first."Craig Mazin " Craig said. 

My confidence waved as Bella hesitated but shaked my hand. 

I felt 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆. Holding their hand, it was so wired. Like, then my stomach felt fussy. It was weird I've never felt like this. And don't get me started with their hands. Their hands felt so strong but so soft. Like wow

"Bella. Bella Rumsey" The actor said. Wow my knees felt weak just hear their accent.

"It's nice to meet you Mr.  Mazin, Bella" I  say giving them my, what my manager would call, million dollar smile. It was also my paparazzi smile. I always felt so fake doing it but that's just the industry I guess.

Craig was about to say something when Pedro said "Craig let's go take some pictures.". That's when I remember where we were. At a premiere 

Craig looked confused then he looked at Pedro. Realizing what he was trying to say Craig said sure. Leaving me alone with Bella. After a few moments the two men left it got awkward. 

"Thanks for helping me with the vouchers I  mean paparazzi " I said trying to fix my scrup 

"It's ok they can be like that at times." They said and I think I might need a welchair after this conversation.

There was a few awkward seconds before I said "and sorry about Pedro he is always trying to get me to make new friends" 

" yeah he does that to me too, at least it's funny " Bella said with a chuckle "this one time he tried to get me with a waiter "

"no way" "yes way"

Now the two of us are laughing our asses off. They're smilie wow. 

We're, mostly bella, telling stories about Pedro that lead us to talk about the most random things. My falt. My ADHD does that a lot. Oh I forgot to tell you reader. I'm ADHD, dyslexic (worse was I was younger and more with the writing/spelling side of it), and have bipolar tendency. 

We were just talking about the fact Bella wasn't seen any of the best movies of all time Fast and furious."

"Is it really that bad I have not seen it" "yes, yes it is" "maybe we could watch it sometime? " I blushed. I was just about to answer when Pedro and Jaden came to us out of breath. 

I tried to hide from them when I saw how pissesd Jaden was. At least it wasn't Fatima. She's the scariest out of all of us in my opinion. Others think I am but I don't really see it.  "If I die everything goes to my dog" I said to a very confused Bella. I tried to hide behind Bella. Seen I was a little taller than Bella with these heels it was pointless.

"GUADALUPE 'LUPITA' REYNA JULIETA ISAAC " Jaden scammed over the music. The full government name I'm fucked. Wait what the fuck did I even do?

"What? And don't say my full name again genius there people here" I said in a small voice and moved so I was standing next to Bella now.

"Where have you been we were looking for you everywhere?!?!?" He said  looking me over to make sure I was okay. Fatima and Jaden always did that, the look over, even when we were kids. MOSTLY when we were kids. I may or may not got into a bit of trouble as a kid.

"I was with Bella" I said camly ( dumbeldick said camly).

"It's been a WHOLE HOUR " fuck I did not know that. 

"Sorry?" I tried to say but it came out like a question.

"Your lucky we got some pictures already or we would be murder" I look back at Bella and Pedro who were trying not to laugh.

"What are ya'll laughing at" Jaden said with a fake glare. They just started laughing harder and I ended up joining in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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