ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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Lupita was siting on her bed, her blue shark Squish mellow on her lap, trying to write a song but her dyslexia was making it difficult. It was like any other day. But what she didn't know that her decision would change her life.She was in the middle of trying to spell cigarettes but kept putting ' cigerets' ( A.N I spelled it like that to lmao). She got a call. The caller was Pedro Pascal or as the user name said 'cool uncle'. 

"Hey Page!! " The 18 year old said smiling from ear to ear. She was happy to finally hear her friends voice."Hey Lup sorry I haven't been able to call I've been busy lately with interviews." The man said. In truth they haven't been able to talk for a around 3 weeks. That was one of the longest time they've not talked to each other. They were pretty close.

"It's ok page, how have you been !?"

" Good but trying to fucking spell cigarettes by the way how the fuck do you spell cigarettes?"Pedro chuckled a little. And look over at Bella Rumsey, who gave him a questioning look and then just looked at thier phone ( A.N why the fuck is phone spelled like that like WTF). 

" Why do you want to know how to spell cigarettes.". Now Bella was even more confused and it showed on their face. Pedro looked at his phone then at Bella. And that Lupita and Bella had a celebrity crush on each other for a long time. He also remember why he was calling in the first place. 

" New song " Lupita said as she put her squish mellow and her note book on her bed and took her first guitar that her dad gave her for her 6th birthday.

 "You spell it C-i-g-a-r-e-t-t-e-s "

"Can I hear it?"

"Not yet"

"Can we face time at least?" He said with a smirk turds Bella. They were confused and now scared what he did. "What did you do now " they said. Pedro just smirked and looked at his phone."Fuck, Yes I haven't seen your face in such a long time!!" The Latina girl said happy to see him now. Then accepting the face time call and putting her phone on the bed and her gator on her lap.

" You act like we didn't see each other 3 weeks ago Lupita" Pedro said with a smirk to someone off the screen but Lupita didn't notice. Bella's eyes widen and texted him immediately.

Text Old man                                                                 weird child 

                                                                               u know Lupita?!?!! Yes

                                                                    As in the love of my life                 How do YOU know her why did u not tell me?!?!?!

She's the adopted daughter of a friend 

                                                                                                 Holy shit 

                                Please don't tell her I have a crush on her


"I just remember why I was calling you Lup. " The older man said with a mischief smile. Looking over at Bella, who was trying not to freak out. "And that fucking is "

"Will you and luvers go to the premiere of the last of us "

"Hell fucking ya,wait Bella Ramsey is going to be there right" She said with a smile that turned into a nervous laugh the moment she remembered the 19 year old.

"Yes is that going to be problem. "Fuck you, you of all people should know why that wouldn't be a fucking problem. "

"I forgot, why would I know that wouldn't be a problem."

"Fucking shit Bella ramsey is there aren't they." She said finally noticing Pedro looking to someone off screen.

"Want to say hi?"

"Fucking ass, fuck you ass hat bye also your dead to me." Lupita quickly ended the call and ran down stairs to her both of friends apartment.

She knocked on Jordan's apartment first since it was the closer one. A girl around her age and only in a shirt that Jordan always gives to his hook-ups. The girl looked at Lupita with a look of alarm probably thinking 'holy shit this is his girlfriend 'or 'holy shit this is singer, songwriter, Panter, actress, part time fashion designer THE Lupita'.

Jordan came out of the room with only a pair of basketball shorts on. He took one glance at Lupita face that says 'I fucked up but maybe in a good way ?!?!?!' and told the hook-up to leave. He ran to his room to put a shirt on. 

"What did you do " was the thing he said when he came out.

"Pedro call

"Isn't that a good thing." He said with a frowning.            Jordan came out of the room with only a pair of basketball shorts on. He took one glance at Lupita face that says 'I fucked up but maybe in a good way ?!?!?!' and told the hook-up to leave. He ran to his room to put a shirt on. 

"Pedro called "

"Isn't that a good thing." He said with a frowning."Call 'tima " she said messing around with her fingers.

Ok face time or normal " He asks 

" face time"He called their other best friend who was on a modeling trip. The call went through and then they saw the face of their best friend. She looked like she was sleeping. Then they remembered that Fatima was in London and it was around 9 pm they probably woke her up. And how she could fall asleep when it's 8 pm was a mystery to them. 

"What happened " Fatima said after looking at Lupita's face.


("Pedro the piece of shit fucking called me and it funking turns out that Bella fucking Ramsey was there and he was fucking teaseing me about having a fucking crush on them without fucking actually saying that shit so now they fucking hate me and asked me to go to the premiere of the last of us with you guys-")

Her rant was cut off by a hand going over her mouth. Looked at the boy she thought as her brother with a glare. They were used to her rant so they understood what she said. 

"1. We're going 2. They don't hate you 3. Shut the fuck up." Jordan said hand still on Lupita's month. The girl licked his hand. He took it away. And looked at him in disgust. 

"Fuck you "

"Fuck you too"

"stop fighting " said Fatima

"yes MOM "

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