Ina: Well, I really have no choice. We can't get rid of it.

(y/n): i know but, are you going to just deal with it for the rest of your life.

He asked one again in a worried voice, but Ina simply shook her head.

Ina: sadly no, i can't. The necronomicon will probably try to take control of me again so we can go on another rampage again. And I don't know how to fully control it so it makes it easier for it to have control over me. Because of that, I might have to go to heroes school to fully control it so I won't go on another rampage again.

She said, which surprised (y/n).

(y/n): hero school, wait I thought you wanted to go to art school to become an artist.

He said as he remembered that Ina doesn't even want to be a hero, she just wants a comfy life and to relax and have a good time. Not fight dangerous villains.

Ina: I did, but now I can't risk being weak anymore since the necronomicon will take advantage of that. If I don't want to become a threat to everyone, then I have to learn to fully control it or else I could be putting everyone's lives in danger.

She said with a serious voice. This saddened to hear, remembering his fight with Hex and how he wasn't being careful during the fight. Because of that Ina dropped blood on the necronomicon which changed Ina's fate forever. To him, this was kind of his fault.

(y/n): So wait, you're just dropping your dream of becoming an artist.

Ina: Sadly, I think I'm going to have to.

She said in a sadden voice, which sadden (y/n). It really felt like it was his fault. If he wasn't so reckless none of this would be happening. But because he had to be reckless, Ina now has to drop her original dream for something she didn't really care about. It really hurt to see that, he remembered how Ina wanted to be an artist and how she practiced to be a good one. She wanted her paintings to bring joy to people and give deep meanings, but now that may never happen because of (y/n).

(y/n): Ina, I'm so sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen to you. I never wanted to change your life like that and ruined it.

He said with guilt in his voice. He was having a hard time not blaming himself for Ina forced change of actions. She had to say goodbye to her dreams of being an artist so she can become a hero to control her powers now. Not only that, she has powers that are dangerous and could bring harm to everyone around which puts pressure on her. (y/n) basically made life for her now because of his reckless actions. Ina noticing (y/n) blaming himself, decided that she would do her best to calm him down a bit.

Ina: no (y/n), you didn't ruin it. It's still fine, I can still make the best of it.

(y/n): So you're not mad at me?

Ina: no, I'm just annoyed. Okay maybe more than just annoyed. But what i'm trying to say is that. Just like the omnitrix becoming a part of you wasn't planned, so was me and the necronomicon. And I'm going to do what you did, try to make it work and use it to help people. While having fun.

Ina said to (y/n). Trying to tell him that there was nothing to worry about and that she was fine. Nor was she angry at (y/n) for what happened to her, she'll try to make the best of it and be happy with the people that were around her. Which sort of made (y/n) smile that Ina was still the same Ina that he knows and cares for.

Ina: Then again I don't how you have fun with a book that is bent on destruction.

She said jokingly, which made both her and (y/n) chuck. While also making Max smile seeing them enjoying time with each other even during tough times.

My alien academia: alien heroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon