XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces

Start from the beginning

Maggie, curious about Madeleine's whereabouts during their separation, leans in with a slight furrow in her brow. "Where have you been all this time?"

"In the woods," Madeleine responds, glancing briefly at Daryl, a silent acknowledgment of their parallel paths through the wilderness. "Trying to find any trace that might've led me to you guys."

Maggie's questioning gaze pierces the conversation, seeking confirmation amidst the surrounding uncertainty. "This whole time?"

Madeleine nods solemnly, her eyes reflecting the weight of her endeavors. Michonne, who had been quietly observing nearby while enjoying a meal, senses the weight of the conversation and approaches them, extending a bottle of water to Madeleine.

"Finding each other out here isn't as easy as it sounds," Michonne states, acknowledging the difficulty of their situation.

Daryl, his silence a constant presence until now, interjects with his typical gruff tone. "We've all been searching for each other. Ain't easy out here."

Michonne, recognizing the gravity of their eventual reunion despite the prolonged search, nods thoughtfully. "It's a miracle we've crossed paths at all amidst this chaos." Her curiosity piqued, Michonne delves deeper. "Were you alone?"

Madeleine recounts her recent trials with a mixture of resilience and gratitude. "For a few days. I was still bleeding out when Marie found me. She saved my life." Her gaze shifts towards her siblings, a sense of heartfelt appreciation coloring her expression. "Then we found supplies, kept walking, and ran into a guy from Terminus. That's when we realized it was a trap."

Michonne furrows her brow, still seeking more details about the harrowing journey. "How did you find Carol and Tyreese?"

As Madeleine prepares to respond, memories of their encounter flood her thoughts. "We were running from a herd; we ran into them."

Marie's joyful voice echoes through the air, cradling Judith close to her chest as she playfully interacts with the baby. "I told you destiny would make it happen," she quips with a mischievous smile, eliciting a chuckle from the adorable child.

Carl, his expression tinged with longing, approaches the group, his gaze drawn towards Marie. "Marie and I were going to find some food in the woods. She said you taught her to hunt as well. Do you want to come?" he asks, hope flickering in his eyes.

Madeleine nods with a genuine smile. "Yeah, of course," she responds, rising to her feet and joining the trio on their way to the woods. As they move, she turns to the unfamiliar faces, eager to initiate proper introductions. "I don't think we've had the chance to properly meet."

"I'm Rosita," the woman with the cap introduces herself first, gesturing toward the taller man with ginger hair. "Abraham," she continues, then indicating the last man, who seems perpetually on edge. "Eugene."

"Mads," Madeleine offers in return, her eyes briefly flickering back to Glenn. "Thanks for saving him."

Glenn and Madeleine share a brief yet profound nod of acknowledgment, a silent understanding passing between them. With that, the three older Grimes siblings embark into the woods, walking side by side in a wordless unity, their steps echoing a steadfast commitment to safeguard their family's survival in the face of an uncertain future.

The palpable bond that unites them is their unwavering determination to protect and preserve what remains of their new world.


The sun peeks through the dense canopy above, casting a dappled array of sunlight and shadows upon the forest floor as the trio continues their walk through the woods. The tranquility of the natural surroundings belies the constant threat that lingers in this post-apocalyptic world.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now