Chapter 1) A Faithful Encounter

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“In the heat of a summer night, a single choice ignited a chain of events that would forever alter the course of their lives.”

Chapter 1: A Faithful Encounter

Liliana’s POV

The room was chilly, a sudden gust of air from the overhead fan brushing against my exposed shoulders. It sent an unexpected shiver down my spine, jarring me from the edge of sleep. Quickly, I reached for the blanket pooled at my waist, pulling it up to my shoulders. The warmth it provided was instantaneous, and I let out a sigh of contentment, the coldness no longer an issue. However, the tranquility was short-lived. The blanket slipped from my shoulders once more, exposing me to the cool air. Frustrated, I reached for it again.

Suddenly, a low groan echoed through the room, jolting me fully awake. My heart pounded in my chest as I turned my head to the right, only to find the man from last night, sleeping soundly, completely naked, beside me. A wave of panic washed over me. In a flurry of movement, I gathered my scattered clothes from the floor, dressing as quickly and silently as I could. A swift glance at the still sleeping figure confirmed he was none the wiser. With one last look around the room, I tiptoed to the door, opened it just wide enough to slip through, and then gently closed it behind me. I practically sprinted to the nearest taxi, my mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. The memory of last night’s events flooded back, filling me with remorse and guilt. I chastised myself, a single question repeating in my mind: How could I have cheated on my boyfriend?

Once home, I trudged up to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I tossed my bag on the bedside table, the sound echoing in the silence. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, guilt gnawing at me. I paced the room, back and forth, my footsteps the only sound breaking the silence. Suddenly, the shrill ring of my phone startled me.

Jaxon calling…

My heart pounded in my chest. Why was he calling now, of all times? I had clearly told him I needed a break from our relationship. Yet he persisted. I declined the call, hoping he would get the message. But not even a second later, my phone rang again. Again, I declined. Each subsequent ring felt like an accusation, each vibration a reminder of my guilt. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, I turned off my phone, the silence that followed was deafening.

Sighing, I sank onto the bed, my head in my hands. I tried to reassure myself, to drown out the guilt with positive thoughts. It was just a test, a hurdle to overcome. I had come here, to my parents’ hometown, to enjoy myself, to escape from my problems, not to add to them. I needed to move past this, to learn from my mistakes. I reminded myself that it was just a mistake, an unfortunate incident, not a reflection of who I was. And realistically speaking, I would likely never see him again.

I stirred from my slumber, a sudden recollection jolting me awake – I needed to take a shower. The previous day’s events had left me feeling grimy and exhausted, and a shower seemed like an appropriate way to wash it all away. As I carefully tiptoed through the house, enveloped in the comforting silence of the early morning, I noticed the clock. It was already five in the morning, an ungodly hour to be awake, but it was the price to pay for the previous night’s endeavors.

Upon my arrival home, I was fortunate enough to find my parents still lost in their dreams, none the wiser to my late-night escapades. Their rhythmic breathing provided a soothing soundtrack to my solitary early morning routine, and I found myself reminiscing about the events of the past night. As if a dam had burst, memories flooded my mind, each one more vivid than the last. The laughter, the conversations, the music – it was all too much.

Shaking my head as if to physically shake off the memories, I tried to forget, to push the thoughts to the back of my mind for another time. I needed to focus on the now, on the quiet tranquility of the early morning. With a deep breath, I stepped into the bathroom, a sanctuary away from the chaos of my thoughts. I carefully removed my clothes, folding them neatly on the counter, before turning on the shower. The sound of the cascading water was a welcome distraction, a promise of the cleansing that was about to come.

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