Chapter 6 (Layana): I Stormed Off

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Sebastian had been flying high since he'd returned from his business trip three days earlier. Tonight, after we'd finished dinner, Sebastian ran to the grocery store for me since I needed a few things, and I'd stayed home to do the dishes and a load of laundry. That reminded me to go get my phone out of the bedroom, where it was charging on the nightstand. Sebastian was famous for texting from the store because something on my list was hard to find or needed clarification.

The day I switched tampons resulted in a ten minute text exchange since he wasn't seeing the new ones I wanted.

Can't you, just, I don't know, use the ones you always used? I already know where those are. Bottom shelf, second from the right.

The new ones are organic, I'd texted him back.

Food is organic. Now tampons are?

That memory made me smile, but something else about the conversation poked at me. When was the last time I'd bought tampons? Without thinking, I picked up my phone and sent a text to Sebastian.

I'm trying not to freak out, but pick up a pregnancy test kit.

Standing here in the middle of the grocery store trying not to fucking jump up and down like a crazy man.

I might not be. Could be a false alarm.

But you might be, baby. Be home soon.

I could feel my smile stretching across my face. I might be. I might be.

But I didn't continue that line of thought right then because a phone started ringing in the bedroom. It clearly wasn't mine and Sebastian had his, I knew, so I was confused. What phone could possibly be ringing? It seemed to be coming from the chair in the corner that was supposed to be a cozy place to read in the bedroom but had really become a catchall. Sebastian had tossed his messenger bag on the chair when he got home from work, and I didn't understand what phone would be in there ringing. Grabbing his bag, I started opening zippered pockets until I found a phone.

It wasn't Sebastian's phone, that much I knew for certain. By now, it had stopped ringing, and I swiped at the screen. The passcode screen came up and, taking a wild guess, I entered the code Sebastian used for his phone. We always had known each other's passcodes.

I saw the missed call notification, and listened to the voice mail that was from a woman.

Sebastian, call me if you have a chance tonight. I'm still hoping you can sneak away from her this weekend for even an hour. I'll make it worth your time, I promise. <giggle giggle>

No, no. This couldn't be happening.

I quickly went to the texts. He had one contact. One.


I opened their text string and scrolled to the top.

Hey, baby, finally decided to use the phone you got me.

It's about time! You resisted the phone for even longer than you resisted me! Now we can talk any time you can get away from wifey. I almost freaked the other night when she caught us at the restaurant.

I know. I had to do a lot of explaining to talk my way out of that.

And now she's watching you like a hawk. Do you really think she's still suspicious of us?

I think so to some extent, but I was able to calm her down. It's getting hard to come up with excuses she'll believe.

When can we meet again?

WORK IN PROGRESS: Dinner Disasters: Sebastian and LayanaWhere stories live. Discover now