The Lingering Echoes of Departed Dreams

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I often ponder what might have been if you'd never departed,

Would life be better? Would I be better-hearted?

You, my elusive One That Got Away,

Left without a farewell, a silence that still holds sway.

With you, I dreamt grand dreams,

Of soaring as a flight crew, or cutting surgical seams,

I aspired to be your reigning Queen,

But alas, that reality remains unseen.

With you, I discovered nuances profound,

Crushes, love, and jealousy's surround,

Firsts unfolded in your embrace,

First kiss, first love, and heartbreak's grace.

Without you, I find myself astray,

Lost in the absence of a friend, a lover, and the old me's display,

Without you, belief withers away,

In love, in dreams, and in the 'us' that couldn't stay.

Without you, I tried to erase,

The echo of your voice, the memory of your smile, the feel of your embrace,

Yet, the struggle persists, a haunting refrain,

A decade gone by, but your presence remains.

In the boy I met, echoes of you I trace,

In university applications, your shadow I chase,

Yearning for you to be with me,

Yet knowing, you're forever beyond my reach.

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