Wanderlust and Strangers

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I adore traveling solo, embracing the unknown, 

Returning home alone, making the world my own. 

Tunes in my ears as I stroll without a care, 

Ignoring the chaos, in my own solitaire.

Yet, there are moments I crave a companion, 

Someone to chat with during traffic's invasion, 

To share laughter while walking along the street, 

Observing the world, every face we meet.

Sometimes we meet kind souls, strangers so bright, 

Sometimes, darker shades, hiding from the light. 

I withhold judgment, it's my steadfast way, 

Perhaps why I find myself in these moments today.

It's the second time now, this strange déjà vu, 

On buses, in jeeps, sitting by a stranger, too. 

Once thought worth my while, a fellow passenger, 

But turned out to be unsettling, a creepy character.

My toxic trait, perhaps, is being overly nice, 

Reluctant to judge, embracing kindness as my vice. 

I can't resist the urge to lend a helping hand, 

In this world of strangers, where I always stand.

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