Struggling to Find Love

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They say love can be learned, a challenge I undertook, 

Teaching my heart to embrace, like an open book. 

When love blooms, smiles chase troubles away, 

But the journey to love him, was a path in disarray.

I couldn't fathom why, yet I tried to find delight, 

In his company, I labored, day and night. 

I committed to this relationship, resolute and strong, 

Even though, with each passing day, things felt wrong.

The longer we remained, more flaws came to light, 

His laughter grated on my nerves, a painful sight. 

I harbored resentment, despising myself deep within, 

For feeling this way, for this relationship I was in.

My heart ached for both of us, trapped in this strife, 

I yearned for strength and wisdom to navigate this life. 

In the pursuit of love, sometimes we stumble and fall, 

But I hope, one day, a better love will call.

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