Chapter 57: I Guess It's F**k Me

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"Shit, you could have... you don't know what those brownies could've been laced with... all Im saying is keep your head on a swivel" he said lighting his blunt. Kamaya laughed "You know what... Im not like ya'll okay Im not shooting folks and hitting licks damn. Im sorry if I don't want to walk around like you paranoid all the damn time," she said

"You know what you do what the fuck you want. Your problem is you always think imma be there and I can't be exactly where you are if some shit pops up. Even a little thing as taking your car to the shop before it stops working.. is something you can't do. Cuz you know I'll be there tomorrow morning to take it for you" he argued

"Well don't be mad at me because you set some high ass standards.. coming from someone who doesn't even let me pump my gas..... It was a busy week" she explained. Kasey loved that Kamaya feels secure and protected but he feels like sometimes she takes advantage of it and then he has to fix things when its too late

"Whatever... You wanna be a hot girl go ahead but don't call me when you feel disrespected or scared" he said

"Hmm but you just got mad that I tried to prevent you from make it make sense," she said.

"Fine maybe I am being condescending  but the truth remains... that I won't always be there so know your limits," he said

"You're doing a lot... I didn't even black out so technically it wasn't that bad.... damn" she said. "I guess we can forget the date" she added

"It's like you miss the point on purpose" Kasey rubbed his hands sitting on the edge of her car.

"I get the point but I just feel like you're being a little insecure and controlling... like you don't trust that I can take care of myself that I need you 24/7... and ever since you've found out I'm bipolar it's like you're so scared Im gonna have an episode or something. Don't do this .. don't do that. It's annoying... I feel like I have to control my mind" she said

Kasey sucked his teeth "I want you to be yourself so please stop with this narrative" he said

"Just stating the obvious," she said

"You're not you keep using these tired ass lines. Ain't nobody trying to control you. I trust you but I don't trust the world. I don't trust these niggas out here. All I said was be more careful and you made it more than what it is. You wanna get fucked up with your girls inside sure but as your husband im not comfortable with you being sloppy drunk in public when im not there. Simple"

"And sure maybe I can be too paranoid when it comes to your mental health but it's just you and I at the end of the day. But if you want to mix liquor with your meds fine with me" Kasey said

"So now I'm an alcoholic? She questioned

"No, what the fuck? Do what you want but don't get so drunk in public when I'm not around... damn. Do you not know what's going on? He asked

"Fine Kasey damn I won't do anything and yes I know something is going on..... there's always something going on," she said. Kasey nodded

"You can be so ungrateful sometimes yo-

"Ungrateful? Im not your homies and Im not a kid-

"Ungrateful I mean we've been together for years now and you still take what I say with a grain of salt you got a nigga that'll die for you but you can't consider what im saying its always a rebuttal. Im starting to think im not necessary and you can just go back to your old life.. when your nigga didn't care what you did" he said

"Oh wow, you love throwing my ex in my face. Yes my ex treated me like shit. Yes, he didn't give a damn if I were dead or alive. Yes, you're a good man Kasey probably the best I'll ever have is that what you wanna hear? She asked

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