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A room filled with peaceful
A moon shining down so
We used to revel in moments
like these,
Back hugs and stolen kisses,
We danced in the dark,
You reached for my hand
whenever you felt too shy,
Or just really needed me
by your side,
We talked about everything
and anything,
No conversation was ever
Because there was always
something silly we could
laugh about,

But now we stand looking
at each other in silence,
Our words caught in our throats,
The darkness we once found
to be serene,
Now disrupted by silent cries,
Dancing now seems silly
and my body cannot move
to any song without the feel
of yours against mine,
The silence that surrounds
us now awkward and
From this distance I see you
nervously fidget with your
hands as the cloud of your anxiety
looms large,
Because you can no longer
reach for my hand to hold,

Moments have turned to
painful memories,
And the walls of the room
we once shared now ruined
by broken glass and alcohol stains,
To think we spent so long
trying to build the tower of
our future only to stand aside
and watch while it comes
crumbling down,
Shattered and in pieces,
Just like my heart,
And just like yours,
Who knew that a love
so good could be gone so
Talked about not as something
that is,
But as one that once existed.


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