Chapter 3

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Jennie's eyes widened a bit as her eyes landed on Riley. Her heart skipped a beat, but she quickly composed herself as she widened the door.

"Good morning. Please, come in." The Browns looked at the girl, polite smiles on their faces. Peterson was the first to enter the house as Jennie led them inside, Riley quietly following behind him as she checked her phone.

"How have you been Jennie?" Peterson asked kindly. Riley raised her eyes and looked at him for a second, a sense of sadness washing over her before she quickly looked away, hiding her emotions. She couldn't remember the last time her father asked of her well-being. Putting her phone away, she let out a soft sigh and entered the house, closing the door behind her before walking behind her father as Jennie led the way.

Jennie smiled at the man. "I've been okay, thank you for asking," was Jennie's response as she walked into the living room.

"You can sit." She said kindly, gesturing to the couches as she moved aside to allow them to pass. A familiar musky smell filled her nostrils when Riley passed her, making her lose her senses. Both members of the Browns family smelled really good, but there was something about Riley's smell that was enchanting, and it brought a sense of safety.

Jennie watched as they sat down, Peterson fixing his suit as he got comfortable on the seat. Riley ran her fingers through her hair before the sound of her phone ringing broke the silence. "Sorry," she muttered, not looking at any of them as she shifted on the couch. She dug into her pocket and fished it out, checking the caller ID. She turned to her father and said, "I'm sorry but I have to take this." Peterson gave her a small nod so she stood up then and walked to the door. She only glanced at Jennie as she passed her before focusing on her phone as she rushed out of the house.

Jennie's eyes followed her moving frame until she was out of sight, a lot of thoughts running in her head.

"Jennie, join me for a while." The sound of Peterson's deep and authoritative voice pulled the young woman out of her trance. She shot the older man a small smile as she moved further into the room and sat down opposite him.

Riley walked out of the house and sighed. Once she was outside and out of earshot, she tapped on her now silent phone and called back the caller. The phone rang for about three rings before it was answered.

"Hey Ry," came an excited voice. Riley slightly shook her head and smiled.

"Elizabeth, why you calling me?" She asked, but the question was not spoken rudely.

"Can't a woman just check up on you?" The latter asked, the question making Riley chuckle. She enjoyed talking to Elizabeth and vise versa. They always had a way of cheering each other up. They cover for each other and always feel the need to be protective.

"Missing me already?" Riley asked as she dipped her free hand into the pocket of her pants.

"Definitely. Can we meet? Strictly business, I promise!" Elizabeth pleaded, knowing that the other woman would hesitate if she meant that they should just meet casually. Riley thought about it for a while.

"Let me try and juggle the events in my schedule a bit and see if I can lose one to free some space for you," she said after a second's thought.

"Thank you."

"I have to go now, I'm kinda busy," Riley said, turning around and walking back to the door of the house. Elizabeth let out a satisfied sigh.

"So, you're busy but still picked up my call and talked to me," she said, the words making it obvious that she is smiling. Riley facepalmed herself. She knew it would be abnormal for the woman to end the call without flirting or trying to flirt with her.

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