8 || Two-Man Team

Start from the beginning

I trail off, but Jonah picks up for me, "We figure out why they're there and um... set them free, was it?" 

"Yeah, severing any attachments," I clarify, to which he nods. "It'll be rough. They were attached to the animatronic suits, but now I don't know what they're clinging to. And if something kidnapped them and destroyed the other animatronics, I don't know what to expect. It could be a spirit, a ghost, an entity, a crazy medium, I have no idea." 

"What's the difference between spirits, ghosts, and entities? You've told me before, but I can't remember." Jonah, similar Mike in a sense, likes getting to know the various parts of being a medium. Unlike Mike, he's more interested in why I'm obsessed with gemstones I can't afford and how I see residual energy so clearly when other mediums hardly think it exists. Every now and then he'll ask a more specific question like this, which I appreciate, but most of his asks stem from ambiguous thoughts and curiosities he picks up as I explain things to him. 

"Well, they all used to be people. Spirits are dead people with a goal they have yet to accomplish, ghosts are spirits who have forgotten their goals, and entities are spirits who have abandoned their goals," I explain, and Jonah hums. 

"So we deal with whatever kidnapped them, break their attachments, and then we're done?" he questions. 

"Then we make them stop giving Mike and Abby nightmares," I correct, "then we're done." 

"Sounds like a plan to me." I chuckle, shaking my head a bit as he turns around another corner I know we didn't turn at before. 

"Alrighty," Jonah chimes, "home sweet home." He pulls into my driveway and puts his car in park, taking a quick glance at the house before turning to look at me. 

"Thanks again for driving me around," I repeat for the seventh time, "do I owe you anything?" 

"A quick pop to your bathroom would be great if you don't mind," he pleads, his leg already bouncing. 

No, no, no. You cannot come inside. That is a bad idea that will result in me feeling extremely insecure and you feeling lots of emotions I don't want to feel right now.

"Hey, crazy lady, I'm about to piss myself. Can I come in or not?" he asks, more so to snap me out of my mind than to prod. He always means well by his rude remarks, I know it. 

"Yeah," I cave, not willing to argue. "I don't have any heat right now so it'll be a little chilly." I open the door and climb out as he responds and mimics my actions. 

"No heat? Do I need to bring a heater over?" he offers, and I laugh. 

"No, I've got your jacket and a blanket. It should be on before New Year's," I reply, fishing my keys out of my bag and leading him up to the front porch. 

"By the end of the year? Josie, that's a long time to be relying on a jacket and a blanket," he comments, mostly as a tease though there is concern laced into the little bit of emphasis he places on 'long time'. 

"I'll be alright," I argue, unlocking the door and pushing it open. "Bathroom's straight forward, down the hall just past the couch, first door on the right." I step in first, allowing him to follow behind. He wastes no time jogging through the un-lit foyer and living room. As I turn on the front light, I hear him close the bathroom door and start to relax. 

My relaxation doesn't last long. I catch a glimpse of the empty bread bag on the counter, a reminder to go to the grocery store in the off chance I made it home after work without stopping. 

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