I learned very quickly that every game has its own set of rules, and every officiating crew calls them differently. Whatever those rules were that day, you learned them fast and you learned how to skirt them.

As we approached halftime, the heat was progressively taking a toll on both teams. The score was still tied at 0-0, but the intensity on the field was evident. I could feel the weight of the game on my shoulders, wanting to make a strong impression as a rookie and prove my worth to the team.

Denise's locker room chat was straightforward and quick to the point. "Alright, we know what has to be done. And we know how to do it. Keep up the pressure, continue to communicate, and stay disciplined."

I took a sip of my water bottle, feeling the cool liquid refresh my parched throat. The second half was about to begin, and I knew that the next 45 minutes would be crucial.

"Okay, halftime subs," Denise began, "Davidson, O'Hara, you two are on for Sonnett and Perez. Taryn, you're in midfield with Nicole."

With that, we walked back out of the tunnel and onto the field, with Kayla and Kelley now on defense. I knew with Kayla being on the field, things were going to get messy and physical. She was known for her aggressive style of play, not afraid to get in the faces of opponents and do whatever it took to win.

As the second half kicked off, the intensity on the field only grew. The heat seemed to amplify the players' emotions, and the physicality of the game escalated. With a sweet lucky chance, I managed to intercept a pass and boot the ball to one of our wingers, creating a perfect run down the field for a potential goal.

This was the advantage we had been waiting for. I watched as the ball was brought up the line, crossed into the center and met by Maria's foot. With a swift, powerful kick, she sent the ball rocketing past Aubrey Bledsoe and into the back of the net. "WOOO!" I cheered, rushing over to congratulate Maria as the rest of our team joined us for the celebration. I saw our bench was on their feet and cheering while Denise kept a cool composure.

The tides began to turn in our favor as we began playing like a well oiled machine. Taryn showcased why she was called 'The Stork', taking down anyone who dared to pass her way with her long legs and making some powerful passes that sent the ball flying across the field. Our left and right wingers were aggressive, lunging for every opportunity to take the ball away from the Spirit. Every one of us was playing at their best, and it was exhilarating.

Before the 90th minute, Kayla clubbed Andi Sullivan hard enough to make her nose bleed, before a big fight broke out. We all ran over and tried to break it up, our coaches and players from the bench spilling out onto the field. The referee blew the whistle frantically, sweeping his arms in an effort to break it up.

"Get off her Kayla," Kelley said as she, Ellie, Denise and a few others tried pulling her away.

"Fuck her!" Kayla shouted, struggling against Kelley and Denise's combined efforts to drag her away. Suddenly, someone struck me from behind and I turned around to hit whichever player had hit me. But before I could do anything, I felt someone grab my jersey from behind my neck and lift me up, "Oh no you don't, rookie," Taryn said, putting me down away from the brawl.

Kayla was like a wild gorilla as she broke free from Kelley, Ellie and Denise. Things were getting out of control and I was sure the game was about to be called off early because of it.

Eventually, the referee and a few security guards managed to diffuse the situation on the pitch but not before Kayla was given a red card and sent to the locker room. Andi was escorted off the field, holding a tissue to her bleeding nose while glaring at Kayla, who just sneered back while being escorted away.

Breaking the Mold (Alex Morgan x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें